I know I have been a huge slacker lately with blogging, but in my defense the weather has finally been beautiful and I have been spending so much time outside in the garden and such.
We had a wonderful relaxing weekend. Chris was on call but it was a slow weekend and he only ended up with a few service calls.
This afternoon we went out to the beach with friends from church, Amy & Troy and Travis & Becca. It was beautiful out, and I LOVE the ocean. After we left the beach we headed on back to Amy's and bbq'ed some Brats and stuff. THEN it happened, Chris and I were officially introduced to the world of "Farckle".. What is it you ask?? Well for starters its just darn fun to say...go on, try it. F-A-R-C-K-L-E.......SEE it's fun;) Anyways it a dice game and it was fun. I recommend finding out how to play it and doing so:)
15 years ago
Farckle! That is fun to say.
Farckle, farckle, farckle, that is a funny word, say it really fast 3 times, but be carefull. Farckle, Farckle, Farckle...
LOL, i know...u gotta be careful saying it. lol
OMGosh! You just brought back a flood of memories. I used to play Farckle all the time with my youth group friends. I love that game!
Isnt it fun....i was a newbie to it, and I kicked butt:)
Dave in Edm., i think???
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