Chris and I went out to Walmart on Sunday night and bought a new fan. It worked fine that night, but by Monday morning it was shutting its self off whenever it turned all the way to the right. So we had to exchange it. We pack it all up and head back down to Walmart to get another only to find that that kind is all sold out. So, we end up getting one of those tower fan things for the same price. We bring it home, Chris puts it together and we turn it on and well I guess it worked. But those things don't work well, unless of course your sitting directly in front of it. So yep you guessed it, it was back to Walmart to return it. No exchange this time, just took our money and ran.
We headed on over to Target, and wouldn't you know it they were sold out completely. We tried Home Depot and they were sold out. And all we were thinking is how the heck we were going to sleep last night with no fan. SO FINALLY we went to Walgreens, for my Canadian friends...Walgreens is a drug store.....To our surprise they actually did have fans, not the biggest selection, but at that point we didn't care. So bought a fan convinced it wouldn't really do the job, but at the same time thankful that we had found something.
As we are driving home and nearing our street we start to notice that everything looks really really dark. And well wouldn't you know it THE POWER WAS OUT!!!! How funny, after we spent all that time looking for a new fan and we didn't even have any power to run it. LOL. And for those of you who thought you would have wanted this heat wave we have been having your crazy. The extreme heat is what caused the power outages in the first place. It really has been insane. It is supposed to start cooling down this week, thank the Lord, I like to breathe. LOL Oh the irony of it all!!!
The good news was that they did have the power back on around 1am, so we didn't have a totally uncomfortable night with no fan. And to our surprise the fan we bought worked like a gem:)
15 years ago
Sounds more like a Hardware store or a garden store...
Glad you found a good fan.
Stay COOL!!!!
Big Bro In Edmonton
YOU DO Lori???????? THey dont have them in Canada do they??
And Dave I thought it sounded like a hardware store when I first heard of it too.
Some of us Canucks have been down to the states you know ;-)
I remember liking Walgreens when I was in Vegas. It's a big tease to see the Walgreens commercials on TV though...
lol, I guess ya have eh! Well I am a Canuck too ya know:P Walgreens is great its my favorite drug store.
Hasn't the heat been just awful? Thankfully it finally broke today!
No end in sight down here in Houston.
We have had dreadful heat here in NJ, and our quite expensive air conditioner that we bought last June to cool the whole first floor is blowing out hot air. And no one can come fix it till Friday! I guess I should run to Walgreens for a good fan!
Walgreens to the rescue! Thankfully our heat has faded for now, its only 50 something today/
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