Well my hubby has left me for the day and night:( He has some meetings all day today and then this evening they are going on a dinner cruise and then he is staying at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel. And where will I be you ask??? I will be here at home eating hot dogs for dinner!! Am I bitter...YES!
You see, at his work Christmas party spouses were not allowed to come. And now this, good grief you think if they can afford to put them up in that hotel that they can afford to splurge for 10 or so more people for dinner. On top of all of it I am fraidy cat and I don't want to spend the night here alone. Normally it wouldn't bother me but we live in the basement suite of a very large old house. Normally my landlords would be home but they are out of town this week. So they are gone, Chris will be gone and its just me and my dog:( And never mind the fact that the power has been going out a lot lately. That's all I need for the power to go out, I think I would actually pee my pants if that happened while I was here alone late at night.
On another note I am extremely excited cause it seems as though the Edmonton Oilers have acquired and signed Chris Pronger to a FIVE year deal. Yeah yeah I know, many of you don't know who he is or care for that matter, but I CARE...And he is arguably one of the best defenseman in the NHL!
That is all....Oh wait no it isn't. Chris has an appt tomorrow for an MRI so we can find out what he actually did to his knee. Our fingers are crossed it's nothing major and something that will just heal on its own. Ok now that is all!!
15 years ago
Hey, you walk the earth!!! Wow...
Yeah i know, i am bad at this staying in contact as well.
Well you got Bell!!! She is feirce and scarry, she will protect you, i think???
At least Chris's work does stuff, i mean a cruise meeting and then the hotel, kinda cool. Well at least you can call him or he call you right?
So enjoy some time to yourself, rent a movie, eat some snacks, cuddle with your dog(just do not mistake it for Chris),then when Chris is back tommorow pretent he has been gone for a month or so and have great...
I will stop now,
Talk with you later,
Call me tonight i will answer...
Big Bro in Edm...
Yes Belle is a good girl and she is a good little guard doggie. I dont know about fierce and scary. lol but she will protect me. And yes I can call him and he can call me etc...Alright I will call you tonight! Welcome back to blog land!
Arm yourself with salad spoons and you will do just fine. Belle would only happily lick the attacker, you are safer with the utensils. Buck up girl! How many nights did I spend on my own? Come on...although you sure could terrify me sometimes, I never used to be afraid until you came along and put fear into my head. Funny that. Hope nothing is too damaged in Chris's knee. Glad you FINALLY blogged gee I was starting to think you had died.
Think of Chris's dinner as a test to see if you may like a dinner cruise, keep bugging him, well drop little hints...
Big bro in Edm..
hehe, ya i did that already. I was like hey our anniversary is coming up...hint hint!
Living alone is not so bad. I have done it for 3 years and I have survived! I can't wait to live with SOMEONE again though:)
I dont mind being alone, I just mind being alone in this big old house alone. Nut its all good cause my landlords brother is actually staying upstairs at their place tonight cause he has their dogs. So at least someone else will be in the house with me!
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