After months and months of evading we THINK we got him. You see we strategically placed traps down here in our place and upstairs in our landlords kitchen. Somehow this mouse or mice were not getting caught in the traps but eating the food. Anyways Monday morning Alex calls downstairs to us saying she got one in one of the traps upstairs. It turned out NOT to be Lester as Lester was fat and this one was not. Hmmmmm. so we had more than one...Lovely. They tried to convince me to come see it but really a dead mouse is not the first thing I want to see in the morning. But don't worry both Alex and Chris were sure to tell me how the trap got the little guy right across the face and one of his eyes were bulging out. LOL. YUM!! We left all the other traps out and sure enough a few hours later Alex came home from the store and again yelled down to me that she got another and she was sure it was Lester. Again I did not go see it. But apparently the fat bugger got himself caught but somehow managed to get out of the trap and crawl a little away. Tough guy, but not tough enough as he was found dead with blood coming out of his head!
See you all missed me SO much, I bet you are wishing I hadn't shown up this morning to tell you this story in such great detail:) I figure if I had to hear about it then so did you. Alright so it's been two days and we have not seen or heard a thing. So my guess is it was only the two. Maybe they were boyfriend and girlfriend and they were shacking up. HA! Well whatever they were, they are no longer.
I should make a point of saying these pictures aren't actually Lester...just a representation of that fateful morning:)

That last picture disturbs me greatly...
Dudes, if Lester had a girlfried you guys could be in trouble. I'm talking about a bazillion baby Lesters. Could be a problem. Glad you got two of them. Have fun getting the other bazillion.
Ahhhh.....relief! I can't even imagine!!! My hubby saw a rat in our shed the other day... and he freaked out... came running back in the house like a little school boy!
Ya the last pic disturbs me as well. But I thought it funny regardless:) Sorry I dont have any real pics of Lester.
LOL....I think Mike needs to work on that;) haha!
And Steve I would bet money on the fact that there are no babies. For all we know they were both male.
Glad to hear that Lester and his partner are gone. Must admit I had the same thought as the rev, but hoping you are rodent free.
Well the first giveaway we had even one mouse was the fact that since Chris and I live in the basement we could hear them walking around in the ceiling at night, we have heard or seen nothing. Plus even if there were a chance they were male and female and had babies I dont think the babies would be smart enough as the other two not to eat the mouse and rat bait we have up there. Time will tell I suppose.
Uh...so you have a digital camera now?
Perhaps you should invest in some rodent birth-control just to be safe. I mean, sure there is the off chance that they are gay, but if they are anything like humans - heterosexuality is more prevelant. At least around these parts...haha.
No matter how much I hate those mice...I HATE seeing them dead. It hurts me, I don't know why? I think its just the animal lover in me, even though I dislike mice.
Anyway, I am so glad that you got rid of them and lets hope that no other little ones decide your home might be a nice place to stay.
Let me be clear in saying I am prob one of the biggest animal lovers around. But when it came down to it these little buggers wouldnt go away, and they are just dirty and carry so many germs. I felt bad at the time, I made Chris set all the traps and even at one point begged him to get nice traps that would just trap them. lol.
Kill the little Bastards, Ha HA..
Now was that nice? noooooooooooooooooooooo:P
EXACTLY Evey. We had mice a couple summers ago and they acted like they lived here. I left with Rascal for a few days cause i couldn't stand it. They were going into the stove during the day! It freaked me out to no end. Jason put down poison and we didn't find any dead, but they are all gone thank god. Last time we had the problem we actually found two dead. Ick. *shivers*
Ick, well I am glad you finally got him!
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