Tuesday, April 01, 2008

New Kids Are Back!!


I realize it is old news. But I just finally came to the realization that it is actually true. That the band that was oh so close to my heart for so many years is reuniting. I am excited mostly for nostalgic reasons. The very thought of it brings me back to my youth. To my poster plastered bedroom. Spending my allowance on Bop and Teen Beat magazines. Singing to the top of my lungs to every single song. They were so dreamy, yes I said dreamy. I along with every other girl swore the songs were written for us. Joey was always my favorite. He was just so little and so cute. *sigh*

You can laugh at me, I don't care. I know there are those of you who won't admit that you loved them too. But I loved them and I WILL go see them on their reunion tour and I WILL love it. I will go alone if I have to. I will be there waving my hands in the air and singing

"Oh oh oh oh oh, hangin tough"


Cupcake Blonde said...

I thought this was still a rumor...but I guess they made it come true. I loved the New Kids when I was younger too but I ma not sure if I can get up the same level of frenzied enthusiasm as before. However, it would be fun to see them perform again. I did love their songs.

Andrea said...

NOOOOOOOOOOO! Say it isn't so! Ha! I can honestly say that I was never into NKOTB.

Anonymous said...

Your a loser!!!


Big Bro

Evey said...

Hey Dave you had your bad phases. Your were the biggest butt rocker i knew;)

Kirst said...

I was a fan. not as much as some people. Oh brings back some, I think junior high memories.

Kelley said...

You are showing your age my dear! However you can laugh pretty hard at me. My age shows when I say that my walls were covered with posters of Duran Duran...

1 said...

Oh yvonne, it's not always good to admit to certain things. I think this may be one of them. Donny Walburg is practically bald! At least his brother made it in acting. Go Marky Mark.

kristen said...

i guess i should speak up in new kids fan solidarity...i loved them too evey. though i was more of a jordan kind of gal myself.

Evey said...

Why would I not admit I loved the New Kids on the Block? It was part of my childhood and growing up. I loved them. I just saw them on Today this morning and they look great. I can't wait to hear their new album.

And who cares if Donnie is bald? lol. And actually Donnie has been in tons of movies. And he has 2 new movies coming out one of which is with Al Pacino and Robert Deniro. I would say thats making it in acting ;)

And one more thing, there may come the day that a certain man with the initials JBJ starts to lose his hair...so beware ;)

Tammy Williams said...

You got the right stuff!!! YAY! I loved them!