Chris and I left our place around 8 am to head to New York. When we woke up that morning we looked outside to see a blanket of white and it was still coming down pretty heavy. It looked pretty but the thought of driving through it wasn't very pleasant. But off we went anyways. We would drive for a while with heavy snow and clearly slippery roads, but then we would drive for a while through nice clear roads that were just wet more than anything.
We stopped for gas in Rhode Island and noticed a Tim Hortons just down the street. Of course I was VERY exited by this given the fact that there aren't many around that I can just go to whenever I want. There are two in Massachusetts, both of which are about an hour or so drive.
By the time we were almost out of Connecticut and into New York the weather had cleared up nicely and the sun was out. We had great timing in leaving Boston for the weekend...That day we left they got hammered with like 7 inches of snow:)
We got a little lost once we got into New Jersey because Chris decided he wanted to go a different way that he thought would be quicker. IT WASN'T!! lol. Eventually he got us on the right track and we found our hotel. After we checked in and unloaded the car we were undecided if we wanted to go out and do something or just relax at the hotel until we needed to head out to the hockey game. We opted to stay at the hotel. Chris walked over to the Wendy's near our hotel and got us some lunch and we just relaxed and watched TV for a few hours.
The hockey game was SO much fun. Being fans of the visiting team can be scary, depending on where you are. You can imagine our relief when we showed up at the arena and there were people all over the place with Colorado Avalanche jerseys on. At least we knew we weren't alone. The game was well worth the money and the 4 hour drive from Boston. The Devils and the Avalanche were tied after three periods and after the 5 minute overtime. So of course the game went to a shootout to determine the winner. After 7 shooters from each team the Avs finally scored and won the game 4-3. It was exciting!

We got a little lost once we got into New Jersey because Chris decided he wanted to go a different way that he thought would be quicker. IT WASN'T!! lol. Eventually he got us on the right track and we found our hotel. After we checked in and unloaded the car we were undecided if we wanted to go out and do something or just relax at the hotel until we needed to head out to the hockey game. We opted to stay at the hotel. Chris walked over to the Wendy's near our hotel and got us some lunch and we just relaxed and watched TV for a few hours.

That was about it for that night. We grabbed a little bite to eat on the way back to the hotel and I pretty much fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.
On another note here's to hoping the Oilers continue to play well against the Canucks tonight. We are 2-0 against them this season, hopefully after tonight it will be 3-0. It will be tough and a lot of the outcome may lye in who plays in net for the Oil tonight.
Good to hear a little more of the fun!
Is Tims not a common thing down there??? We love old Timmy's!! mmm Iced Caps!
Nope Timmy's is mostly Canadian. Howevere there are like 160 or something like that down here. Mostly on this side of the country...Michigan, Ohio etc...
Hey check out my blog, Susan posted!!!
Big bro in Edm...
thank you for the beautiful Christmas card!
I MISS TIMMY TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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