Don't worry folks.....Evey is no longer dirty! Ha! Tonight Chris and I went over to Curtis (our pastor)and Brandi's to use their shower. THANK YOU to them for saving us from being dirty another day. While we were over there we met their very cute and very SMALL dog Zoe. She is a miniature dachshund and she is 10 years old. And she is the cutest thing EVER! I couldn't believe my eyes when her short little legs jumped all the way up on the couch. She was the highlight of my day and just for

you all I took her picture:)
See my beast would eat that one for breakfast! Actually he wouldn't cos he's such a goof, I was mostly referring to the size difference.
That is the kind of dog(?) Lenore says she wants when she grows up! She would think he is very cute too!!!
Cute doggie. Glad you are clean, I could smell you from here.
Just as lorri said, whoooo, the smell was just unfathomable. Wow, the stench... But today the air is clean and fresh, thankyou from the bottom of our hearts.
Big bro in Edm...
yeah yeah, you are all oh so welcome! lol
Think i know what to get you for Christmas, SOAP!!!
Big bro in edm..
Man, i can feel the love. Hey Dave i like soap...just make sure it's the pretty smelling kind...oh like lavender or something;)
I do love ya, most of the time...
Big loving bro in Edm...
You smell good to me pooky! HAHA!
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