Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Gotcha.....Or do we?

Still no dead mice. GRRRRR! Those little buggers are smart. They don't eat mouse poison and they somehow eat the peanut butter right off the traps. Last night around 1 am we heard a SNAP from the kitchen and were excited cause we thought we had caught one. BUT NOOO the peanut butter was gone and the trap was now upside down. I swear we might as well just start inviting these stupid mice to dinner. Doesn't seem like they are going anywhere anytime soon.

Do you see peanut butter on that trap? I DON'T because the stupid mice ate it.

Chris came home the other day with a plant for my kitchen window. Mums to be exact. I haven't figured out yet if he was sucking up or really just being sweet;) I kid, I kid. But he normally doesn't bring stuff like that home so it was a great surprise.My mother in law is in Great Britain and finally had a chance to update her blog. So go on over and read about her travels and say hello:)


Kelley said...

Oooh pretty! I love that pink colour. Good luck with the mice!

Alison said...

pretty pretty.....

Alison said...
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Andrea said...

Isn't that sweet!? He's trying to make up for inviting the mice in! Ha!

Kirst said...

We have mice as well but only in our garage, thankgoodness. I don't know what I would do if they got in the house. The same thing happened to us the other night. The peanut butter was gone and the trap was upside down but no mice. How can they be so smart?

Jodi said...

We just use the poison stuff and our little mice just disappear.

Maybe you have rats?! :)

Love the plant! You have a good hubby!