Is it just me or do the weeks seem to be flying by? It is going to be 2006 before we know it. I was thinking this morning that I still remember sitting in class with my Gizmo running shoes writing the date as 1988. Yes people I had Gizmo runners. They were white with Gizmo on them with pink trim, and they were awesome.
Thinking of way back then brought a story to mind of waaaaaaay back when I was in kindergarten. We had this teacher who had this really big hair. It was jet black and curly and short and fuzzy. She was just plain scary and the hair didn't help matters. Anyways, one day I was playing in the sandbox (the indoor sandbox) with another little girl and some little boy decided he wanted to come play too. THE NERVE.....Don't boys know they have cooties in kindergarten. Geez!! So I did the only thing there was to do....I threw a handful of sand at him. Well Mrs Crazy Hair witnessed this act and came over to reprimand me and I did the only thing I could....I picked up a handful of blocks and threw them at her, one hitting her square in the forehead. Boy was I in trouble. She sent me to the corner and called my parents and had them come pick me up. Now now I know what your all thinking, but I really was a good kid....She was just so CRAZY and scary that I could not help myself.
And before my big brother Dave tells you all what a little brat I was maybe I should tell the story of how him and my older brother told the school nutrionist they ate McDonald's 3 times a day..........LOL
15 years ago
No, twice a day!!! And to this day i still hate Mcdonalds food...
Sorry Laurie...
Big bro in Edm...
lol....yes Lori is a lover of McDonalds...Lord only knows why;) Sorry Lori I am with Dave on this one.
Oh and by the way, she was a little brat then and still is today!!!
Big bro in edm...
Lori.... I love McDonalds too!! Yum Yum!
HAHA! Sounds like something I would do. I remember KNEEING a guy in the WHOO HOO and getting in trouble for it. Little did my teacher know that he tried to KISS me and that is what warrented the incident. We have to protect ourselves sometimes right?!
Happy Tuesday!
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