I am not sure if I have mentioned this yet but Chris is going to Seattle for a week this month for some training on some new machines. I have NO IDEA what the heck I am going to do for a whole week by myself. For starters we don't have a car. We decided not to get one when we moved out here cause Chris has his own work vehicle. Most times I am thankful we don't have a car because of the outrageous gas prices this last year, but times like this is when I really really wish we had one. Don't get me totally wrong, I look forward to time to do whatever I want, watch all the chick flicks I want etc... But lets face it I'm gonna miss him. And nevermind the BORED factor.
On to more important things...
Hockey is starting very very soon and I could not be more excited. I mean aside from the fact we had to go a whole year without it, this will be the first time in a couple of years I have lived in a hockey city of a team I actually like. Don't get me wrong I am a die hard Oilers fan and always will be. When I moved to Vancouver BC it sucked cause I HATE THE CANUCKS so very much and I never wanted to spend money to go to any of their games. The only games I went to there were when the Oilers were in town and then when I started dating Chris when the Avalanche were in town. Of course there is no pro hockey team in Seattle so that really sucked. But now here we are in Boston, a hockey city...A team I like and am happy to pay to go see play. However I am very UNHAPPY with the hockey schedule and the fact that not once do the Oilers come here this year. However we will be going to some games in New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia etc... to go to both Oil and Avalanche games. October 5th will start as a very happy day at our house being that that's NHL opening night, but one of us will end up going to bed unhappy as Edmonton and Colorado play each other that night:) It is my hope that I will be the one going to bed happy that night, but we shall see.
For my two lovely blogging friends from Vancouver I hope with all my heart that the Oilers will kick some serious butt against your Canuckleheads. And if we don't I still love you just the same. LOL.
We are also pretty happy that the NFL season kicks off tonight, with the Mariners SUCKING with the worst of the baseball world we are looking forward to football and the Seahawks as well as hockey. And yes in case you haven't guessed Chris and I are both sports nuts.
15 years ago
You can always call me if you are bored. As for the hockey stuff...sorry not much to comment there I HATE sports.
She says she hates sports yet she has mentioned something about putting Emma in soccer. I think she thinks that soccer isn't a sport. Oh and she likes volleyball too. She doesn't hate sports. She's just confused.
lol...I agree Steve she is very confused.
Lori...SOCCER is very much a SPORT! lol
Yeah, soccer is a great sport. Austin loves the game and is now inrolled in indoor soccer for the winter. Sports are about team work, hard work, and heartache, that then makes soccer a SPORT!!!
Dave in edm...
"Sports are about team work, hard work, and heartache"
Ever see Iron Chef on the Food Network? All those things (team work, hard work, and heartache) can been seen applied on the show. So...I guess cooking is a sport too!
Okay, but lets not forget blood, broken bones and concusions!!!
Dave in edm...
I agree with Dave, soccer is a great sport, especially for kids. Fun times!
Nothing beats Hockey! It's just funny that I have to be the one to explain the rules to Jeremy. Oh well, I will learn Football from him and he will learn Hockey from me. Good trade off.
You never did tell me if he was a fan of any NFL teams? or if he was just into college football? Chris was hoping that having Seattle be the closest NFL team that Jeremy liked the Seahawks??
I've never gotten into sports. I do like the Mariners, but they are so bad anymore and got rid of most everyone I know and love. Especially my Freddie. Otherwise I don't watch any sports and aboustely HATE football season. HATE it.
You hadn't mentioned before that Chris is leaving for Seattle for a week. I am sure the net will at least keep you busy as well as dear loving silly Belle :) I'd be a bit lost and lonely without Jason too for a week though. So I feel for you there. Especially come night time. Since I know how we both are there lol
I wouldn't know what to do with myself!!! My sweet hubby watches all the chick flicks with me... he even cries a tear or two in some!! I would miss my hubby way too much! I hope you are not too lonely!
Actually Chris is pretty good with movies, he watches a lot of chick flicks with me and rarely complains. He enjoys a lot of them depending on the actors...like for example he thinks Serendipity is a great movie, he was willing to give it a chance cause John Cusack is in it.
And yes I will miss him A LOT! I will be bored out of my skull as well. If I new more people out here it wouldn't be so bad cause I would have stuff to do. But alas, I shall survive!
Well Canucks still rock and hockey is the best sport!! Mind you I like many sports - Go Green Bay and Go BC Lions!!! Good thing you can cheer for a team like Boston so I can forget that you like the Oilers!!!
LOL......Chris is cringing at the go "greenbay", although he does like Brett Favre
Ya ya, my love for the oil runs deeps:P But I am excited to once again live in a good hockey town.
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