I forgot to mention the other day that when we were out watching the Seahawks game that we ended paying TWELVE dollars for pop. I know I know, living on the east coast I am supposed to say soda, but I refuse to give in;) Now I understand that some places charge for refills, what I don't understand is why our waiter never told us that. Usually when you ask for another pop if they charge the waiter will be like "just so you know we charge for those", well I was so mad. 12 bucks......that's madness. Had we known we would have only had one pop each instead of three and drank water.
Have I mentioned how super excited I am for fall. Don't get me wrong, I love summer...BUT I love fall. I love how all the trees look, especially here, I love going for walks in parks and crunching all the leaves when you step. I especially love the cold and crisp air on some fall mornings. I cannot wait to take pictures of how beautiful fall is here. I remember when we drove out here last year it was right at the end of September and all the trees were already turning gorgeous, it was amazing. People had always told me how beautiful New England was in the fall, but I never really fully knew what they meant till I saw it for myself.
Have I also mentioned how super excited I am for hockey to start!? Pre-season starts tomorrow night with the Oil at home against the Flames. And we finally re-signed Ryan Smyth which I was starting to get really worried about. But all is good.
I need to go out and by something new to wear Sunday night....AND I forgot to blog about the Old Navy gift card I found in the pocket of a coat I haven't worn in sometime. Christmas 2003 I received a CD and a gift card for Old Navy from Chris's aunt and uncle. I spent some of the gift card and then I lost it. I was so mad....well the other day I was going through some stuff and I decided I wanted to try on my leather jacket to see if it fits me again. And wouldn't you know it, I put it on and when I put my hand in the left pocket there was that darn old navy gift card! I called the number on the back right away to see how much money was left on it. $10.50, yipee! It's like finding lost money. As far as the coat goes, I still have a little ways to go before it fits...BOOOOOO:(
Hope everyone is having a great week!!
15 years ago
I love Old Navy!! Yah for you! Whenever we are out for dinner I always word another pop as... can I have a refill.... because then they usually say something about no refills... when you say may I have another pop... they give you another pop... a little trick I learned because I feel rude asking if refills are free.
Gee that FoF is sure smart! Don't worry about your coat, it will fit soon enough, you are a hard worker and I have seen you lose weight before.
The number one thing I miss about back home is when the leaves change. I love autumn in New England. To me, it is the most amazing time ever. I need to start planning my trips home in October so I get the full effect because I am going through some serious withdrawal not having it for 2 years!!
C'mon where are you??? I know you are around because you are commenting.... just not blogging. I need entertainment!!!
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