Ok so if you notice the time I am writing this it is LATE or early I suppose, whichever way you want to look at it. My clock currently says 3:04 AM, and WHY am I awake at 3 AM you ask??? Well I really don't know. I cannot sleep..Why? I am not totally sure. It could be the fact that my allergies are doing a number on me lately and I am miserable, or it could be the fact that we went out for dinner tonight for some friends Bdays. What I thought was going to be a fun time turned out being rather crappy. It's a long story, one I don't feel like going into. Plus I don't want to sound stupid considering tonight probably wasn't really as bad as I thought it was...but that big bad word INSECURITY tells me otherwise. Anyways....
I thought I should update on the Belle/Camping chairs situation...lol. So last night Chris and I again are in bed ASLEEP when Belle got all bent out of shape again over the stupid chairs, and started barking and freaking out. She did not calm down till she knew the chairs were put away and far from where they could apparently harm her. ALSO she seems to have regular showdowns with the heater in our kitchen....if her ball gets to close to it she will not get it, she will bark until one of us come and get it for her. And most of the time when she walks by it she stops to look at it as if its going to jump out at her. Gotta love dogs!!
Alright, that is all I need to try and get some sleep if I am going to get anything useful accomplished tomorrow! Happy weekending to everyone, hopefully mine will end better than it started.
15 years ago
Oh I should have come down to the computer! I was awake with you!!!!! Darnit. Oh well. Next time. Sorry you were not sleeping-that sucks. Maybe you can get some sleep today...at least you don't have any kids to take care of and you can nap any time! Not that I am jealous or anything. No. Not me. Or grumpy. I would never be grumpy.
What is up with that dog? I would love to see her in action. You have to get a video camera that takes stills. Go bankrupt if you must, I need to see pics of that dog in action.
Sleep is over-rated (that is what I keep telling myself, anyways)!! I worked until 0300 hours and awoke to my little Cooper dog barking at the thunder (for like 1 1/2 hours). I hope I don't meet anyone at work tonight 'cause the tired queen bitch will be out.
HAHA...arent they just so precious:)
*giggles* I just love Belle. hehe
Hi, I just found your blog through another link! I enjoy your posts! I too have occasional struggles with insecurity and it always gets to me!! I am not in HIGH SCHOOL any more!! But alas, we are human! :)
insecurities are EVIL I hate them and know how disgusting they make me feel. Somehow I think it goes with being female or maybe I am out to lunch. Anyway, I hope one day we will be able to beat it for good.
Hope you got some sleep and that your weekend turned around!
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