My husband cracks me up sometimes....this was a good one so I had to share. As most of you know Chris has worked for Starbucks for the last 3 1/2 years. The first 2 1/2 was spent in Seattle working at the Corporate office directing calls between the technicians and the stores. This past year he has been here in Boston as a technician. Anyways, among our family and friends Chris and I are known as the "coffee" people. People generally know that where we go there is a good chance a pound of Starbucks coffee follows. Anyways I was signed into msn messenger, he signed in from work and I hear my computer telling me someone is trying to talk to me. And this is what he said....
Chris says:
hello. it is i, the great macchiato.
LOL.....maybe its just me...but I thought this was super funny!
15 years ago
Behold, as I make this Peppermint Mocha VANISH into thin air! {gulp...gulp...gulp) Alas, it has disappeared! For I, the Great Macchiato, have harnessed the potential of the almighty and all-powerful espresso bean! Wait a minute...where did all of these rabbits come from?
You people need to get out more! Haha
Cute...really cute.
Chris, you are a hoot.
Dave in edm.
I did not know that about you and Starbucks...I'm so excited....I love starbucks...mmmmm....ahem...sorry got carried away there thinking about starbucks.
Ha! That's funny! Hey! Who knew it was so easy to leave a comment!? Not me!
Look everyone its wonderful sister-in-law (Chris's brothers wife). She NEVER comments and I am so excited she did. She has yet to come to the realization that she needs a blog. I tell her everyday.
Leslie changed her picture too! Cute!
oh u people are amazed by the small things..LOL
haha whatever so am i! :)
Where are my bras?
LMAO....woman they were sent last week. Settle yourself. u will get them this week sometimes/ make sure u email me as u get them though.....MAYBE the men at the post office found them and are wearing them! LOL
Ha ha that would be a sight to see!
That was Thursday's Sunday now!! Where are you?? Hope you had a nice relaxing weekend.
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