So Shelley was asking how I met Chris and ended up moving to these here United States...and when I thought about it I realized that a lot of you probably don't know. So I figured hey what a great idea for something to blog about.
So I will give ya'll the readers digest version, or at least I will try to. I myself grew up in Edmonton, Alberta and Chris grew up just outside of Seattle, Washington. I decided to move to Vancouver BC in June 2001. After I had moved there I met Chris on a christian dating site. We started talking and became friends really more than anything. That was around November and then in December he drove up to Vancouver to meet me for the first time. It was fun, we went to movies, played mini golf, hung out with my friends, went out for dinner, played pool and drove lots and lots. But after 2 days he had to go home and I was playing miss shy and so he went home with the thought that we were going to be just good friends. A few weekends later a friend and I went down to Seattle to see him and I think we figured out then that we actually really did like each other. And that was that....we "officially" started dating in January 2002. Got engaged Valentines day 2003 and married Sept 2004. And here we are almost 4 years later. The decision for me to move here as opposed to him coming to Canada was really about his job with Starbucks. Had an opportunity come up in Canada like the one in Boston we probably would have taken that. But nothing showed up and here we are in Boston. It's a long way away from home but we like it here. So there you have it, the condensed version.
Chris got home from Seattle on Saturday night and I was SO happy to have him home, as was Belle. Sunday was an awesome day we stayed home and did nothing but watch TV and movies ALL day. It was great to just be together after not seeing each other for 6 days.
Today I had a much needed day out with a girlfriend. We went and saw "Just Like Heaven" and it was SO good. I knew I was going to like it but I didn't really know if it was something I wanted to see in theatres. But it was totally worth it. After the movie we went to good ol' Starbucks and enjoyed some drinks and a loooooooooooong chat. Refreshing, you know the ones I'm talking about. Just good "girl time" to talk about life. I haven't really had a lot of that since I moved here so it was wonderful to have that little breath of fresh air. And I have to say how PROUD of my doggie I am. Belle is one big ball of energy, she has some bad habits we are trying so hard to break her of such as jumping on people cause she is so darned excited. Anyways when Carolynne came over today before the movie Belle was surprisingly good. Sure she was excited but she only jumped a little, she was just so darn good it made me happy.
15 years ago
Cute story! I love to hear stories aobut how people met and fell in love. I too loved the movie Just like Heaven!!!! I like those nice make you feel good movies!
Oh I love hearing the "how we met and fell in love" stories!!!! Thanks for sharing it!! :) As far as a Christmas picture I'm sure I could come up with a great place to have it done but not so sure I'm all that great at portraits!! LOL! If you seriously want ideas, I will ask my friend Deb who IS a professional portrait photographer about good spots! :)
So sweet how you met and fell in love. I remember when you first brought him home to us.
I thought he was a good catch back then...and now.
I can't believe it has been nearly 4 years. MAN! Time flies! Oh, and I miss our girl dayz our too....good times with DINO...hahaha!!
He works for Starbucks!!! How sweet is that??? ;) Good to hear you're doing well.
IAN....i am so excited to see you comment on my blog:) Yes he works for Starbucks....and I love all the perks that come with it. He gets a free pound of coffee per week:) and we get a nice discount in the store. I was addicted to Starbucks before Chris, the only diff now is that I can afford it now! haha
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