Gotta love how I am known at some of Chris's stores:) But what do I care they give me free coffee!!
Just for fun......5 dollar Starbucks giftcard to anyone who can tell me what drink I had in this picture. Meaning of markings and size must be included. Enjoy:)
Damned if I know! I am not really down with the lingo...sorry! No starbucks in our little city...;)
Bring it on baby!!! I'll email you my address.....Non-Fat, No Whip, Cinnamon docle Latte!
and the size is????
I'm going with grande, non-fat, no whip cinnamon dolce latte.
My fave, though throw in an extra hot in there. And you get freebies? SO jealous!
Ha ha! That's funny! So, do you not have IM anymore, or what?
Grande non-fat no whip Cinnamon Dolce Latte...what I get every day!!
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