I could give you a ton of reasons as to why I have not been blogging as of late. Probably the main one being I have had 3 teeth extracted in the last month, 2 of which left me in pain and on drugs. Thank God it is all over and done with.
A few weeks ago Chris and I finally got a Costco membership. I am not sure really why it has taken us this long to go and get one. We are now officially Costco addicts and spend A LOT of time there. Some of the prices there AMAZE me. Take a 2 oz tube of Hydro-cortisone cream for example. At the grocery store, pharmacy, drugstore or wherever ONE generally costs anywhere from 3-4 dollars. We got a 4 pack of them for 6 dollars at Costco. I could go on all day about the savings we have gotten there in the short time we have had this membership but I won't cause I think you get the idea. Moral of the story.....I LOVE COSTCO!!!
Last week as Chris and I were heading out somewhere we noticed a rather large rock looking thing in our yard. At first glance that is all I thought it was-a rock. At second glance it looked more to me like one of those fake turtle ornaments for your garden or whatever. Upon closer examination we both realized it was not a rock or a fake turtle but in fact a real turtle who happened to have met it's demise on our lawn.
Now the first thought we both had was where in the heck would a turtle this size have come from. Our landlords son claimed they lived around here and in Jamaica pond. Chris and I both know that was not possible considering how far Jamaica pond is from us it would have taken a turtle FOREVER to walk that far. Turns out it belonged to the people who live 4 doors down. Our landlord told us they "lost" a turtle about 2 months ago. HOW DO YOU LOSE A TURTLE??????? It's not like if you open the door it can run away, I am pretty sure you would notice. Knowing how they are though, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. And don't worry, Chris gave it a proper burial in our garbage can;)
Hope everyone is having a good week
15 years ago
I LOVE Costco!!! It always costs me a fortune though! Glad you haven't forgotten about us!
Glad you are back. Sorry about the turtle....
Oh gosh! Yvonne. The turtle. I am laughing SO hard. I mean, almost wetting my pants. Ok maybe truly wetting my pants. How stupid can you be to LOSE a turtle? Friggin idiots!
You totally look like your mum in that pic, wow!
Glad you are back blogging. Missed you.
Send some of that cream up here, holy crap is that ever cheap!! We use it by the boat load for Oliver's skin.
Costco is great!
Still laughing about the turtle...
My brother had a pet turtle when he was little and it ran away! Ha! I don't know how that can happen, either, but I'm here to tell you that it can!
I hope you talked to the owners before disposing of the little guy. As for Costco, INDEED it is a great place to shop. We only do our big purchases there though. However, Jeremy bought a big box of 640 baby wipes from there the other day for only $15. What a deal:)
That's not cheap for baby whipes.
How the heck do you lose a turtle? It is not like they move that fast you know! Glad to see you back and hope your mouth is on the mend!
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