Last Friday Chris and I decided to go to the driving range so I could test out my new clubs and work on my swing. As we were driving there this car was tailing Chris and then proceeded to cut us off. When we ended up driving alongside this car he was staring at us and Chris muttered something at the guy. As we approached the red light in front of us this car slowed down to pull up level with us and his window started to come down. Now I know it is so stereotypical but in that moment both Chris and I felt our hearts beat a little faster. Say what you will, but if you just gave some BIG black dude with tinted windows a dirty look you would have been scared too. But as his window opened more we saw he was smiling. Once we were both stopped he was like "What Starbucks do you work at? I'm Starbucks too." Not only did we realize he worked at Starbucks and that was why he was staring at us in the first place cause he saw the writing on the van and was trying to see if he knew Chris, but the minute he started talking you knew he was gay. Here we thought this dude was gonna pop some bullets in us and he was just some bug cuddly gay dude who works at Starbucks.
The range we went to was kinda out there a bit in the trees. As we were hitting balls we heard a coyote howling at the moon. We realized the howls sounded pretty close and sure enough sitting way out on the other end of the driving range was a coyote a howling away. At first I was a little frightened, afraid he would make a beeline for me if I hit a ball in his direction. But then I realized a couple of things...The first being that I could never hit the ball that far and the other that he would never be that brave. So we went about hitting golf balls and he just sat and howled.
On the way home we decided to get some dinner. So we headed to a restaurant called 99. We decided to have s

Ah.... good old Tiffany! I am glad you are back in action!
Nice to see you again. Tiffany really was a one song wonder though - you gotta admit it! And who knows, it could have been Justin. No one really knows where he's been since the FROM JUSTIN TO KELLY movie. That's coming on TV this weekend I think. Perhaps I will see if Jeremy wants to tune in to it....HAHAHAHAHA
Tiffany, I had that in cassette along with Debbbie Gibson, remember her?
Why didn't you ask him if that was his name? It would have bugged me to no end. Usually when we are out and I see someone "famous" Steve will confirm that I am way off before I ask them to risk embarrassment (for both of us!)
The only time we both agreed was in October. We were in the Banff hot springs and there was a lady who looked insanely like Brittany Spears. I'm sure I looked like a moron cause I couldn't stop looking at her.
We knew it wasn't her because she had two kids and a man that def was NOT Kev!
Ha ha! Funny!
Yo.. a belated thanks for the delicious Christmas Blend, and hope you two had a wonderful Holiday!
Regarding: Evey "I have to wear my Seahawks socks whenever they play because I am convinced they will lose if I don't. Tell me I am crazy...but I wore them every Sunday for 11 weeks and we won all those games. Our last game of the season I didn't wear them and we lost." You BETTER have those socks on next weekend! Love what you've done to the BLOG page.
Miss you and look forward to your Salmon Bake 2006 visit!
Love & Hugs, A
We have a coyote that likes to come down out of the mountains and sit in our housing complex and howl. Those are the times I wish I had a couple golf balls to hit at him...and I thank God my babies don't go outside!
Your scary/not scary gay guy story reminds me of a time I thought I was being foloowed by some weird lady in Wal Mart and it turns out all she wanted to do was ask me if I went to school in Ohio because of the sweatshirt I was wearing. I was about five seconds away from screaming for security before she said something...
Well things are certainly not boring in your world. Glad you are back!
I am missing you!
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