Last night was girls night out! It was my friend Connie's birthday so 8 of us went out to dinner to On the Border. By it's name you may have already guessed that it is Mexican. I had never been there before and it may already be a favorite. I had a Steak Fajita Salad and it was so yummy, the salsa however that it came with nearly burned my mouth off. It was a fun night.
Chris went over to hang out with Troy and Travis while us girls were gone. Amy and Troy just got a new puppy over Christmas, she is a cocker spaniel, her name is Nettie and she is SO cute. Our other friend Kirsten just got a 7 week old Chocolate Lab on Sunday who is also SO cute. So she brought Jackson over so that Chris, Troy and Travis could babysit. Apparently him and Nettie played and wrestled ALL night. How cute...sometimes it makes me sad we didn't have Belle when she was just a little puppy, but then I remember we also didn't have to clean up all her little accidents and I don't feel so sad anymore.
15 years ago
I'm sorry I have been neglecting my commenting.... I have been here reading. How have you been feeling? I love the new look and wish I knew how to do something personal and creative!!
We no longer have a Mexican restaurant in my town. The one we had changed to gross owners and then "mysteriously" burned down.
Shelley I am glad you surfaced:) I don't know how to do anything fun and cool either, thats why I let Chris figure it out. lol
Trina you must live in an even smaller town than I imagined.
I suggest that you start slowly with the spicy food and you'll be needing more and more heat in just a few years.
Start with medium salsa...before you know it, you'll be adding "needs more spice" in the margins of your cookbooks.
Yes you are right-a puppy is cute for only so long but they are not very cute when they are squatting on your carpet!
Oooo that restaurant sounds yummy. Remember when Kirsten ate all those hot wings and then barfed because they were so hot? Ya, good times. I am starting my kids out lovin' the spicy food. Emma is pretty good with it. Oliver...well you know.
I totally remember when she did that at that Boston Pizza. And she was in the bathroom puking and laughing at the same time! lol
That's it! Positive thinking! Yes, they are all cute and cuddly but keeping them out of everything and cleaning up after them can be a pain!
Oh and to answer your question on my blog, yes, my parents live in Ashland which is right next to Hopkington where the Marathon starts.
I'm still here sweetie. We just got home this past Saturday and I am just getting over being sick. So hopefully a small update will be coming soon. I'll never catch up though on back enteries.
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