I know I am a little behind on this one....but hey, at least I am doing it!!! Amanda tagged me for this one.
"The first player of this game starts with the topic Five Weird Habits of yourself and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits, as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals."
1. I must ALWAYS have a full glass of water next to the bed. I rarely drink it, but I cannot settle in unless I know its there just incase I need it.
2. My towels have to be folded a certain way, if Chris folds them and they are not that way I will unfold them and redo it.
3. When I walk Belle I go out of my way to make sure she doesn't step on the utility covers on the sidewalk for fear she will get shocked and die. I know that makes me sound crazy but there have been 2 dogs electrocuted in Boston in the last few months from those very things.
4. I have to wear my Seahawks socks whenever they play because I am convinced they will lose if I don't. Tell me I am crazy...but I wore them every Sunday for 11 weeks and we won all those games. Our last game of the season I didn't wear them and we lost.
5. Every night before I go to bed I check the locks on the door and the stove like 5 times to make sure it is all off otherwise I cant sleep.
So there you have it, call me crazy if you want!!
I am not sure who has been tagged or not already so lets go with... Leslie, Tammy, Shelley, True and Lucy.
15 years ago
I didn't want to mention the locks and the oven on mine because I thought I sounded....um like I had OCD which frankly we all know I have.
Yvonne, let's face it, you do too.
There is nothing wrong with us...they are the crazy ones.
Oh my God, I do the lock and stove thing too...plus my candles! One time I was house sitting for someone and couldn't fall asleep because I couldn't remember if I put their garage door down. I drove over there in the middle of the night in my pajamas to check. Oh and the towels, that must be a woman thing because EVERY woman I know has to have them folded their way. But I'm the same with my clothes too. If I can't see a logo on a shirt, it is folded incorrectly. Oh my God, I could go on....
Love the new look by the way!
I do the locks before bed too! We all have our quirks that's for sure!
my son actually checks and rechecks the doors before he goes to bed and then wakes up when i go up and asks me if i checked and rechecked them as well. kids!
1) Several days before I leave on a trip, I clean the house like there is not tomorrow. I wash every stitch of dirty clothes and leave the house sparkling. I can't stand to come home to a dirty house. I will have plenty of clothes to wash when I get back and I don't want any more.
2) I can't stand to throw away plastic. I suppose I have a little bit of enviromentalist in me and I know that plastic takes YEARS to degrade. I cut the plastic milk and water bottles with heavy duty scissors and throw them in a special plastic bag for recycling.
3) I have always been teased about the way I brush my teeth. They get a proper brushing with vigor. Then I rinse my mouth with Listerine. I do have good teeth.
4)I check those locks on the doors at night before I go to bed too. I want to make sure that no "strangers" decide to stoll into my house.
5) I very rarly pay full price for meat and chicken. I shop the bargain bins or buy sales when filling up my freezer. I hate paying full price.
OMGosh! Yay! I got tagged!
We are really sooo similar.
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