I'm a guy. I like guy things. For instance:
Sports. I like sports. I don't like all sports, but I pretty much enjoy the vast majority. I like this sport. This as well. And this one. And this one. This one too. But this sport is an example of one I do not like.
Food. I enjoy food. Some people might say that I enjoy it a little too much. I love this food. And this one. But this is nasty.
Beer. I like beer. I like different types of beer. I enjoy this beer. And this beer. But not this one. Along with that, wine is a favorite of mine as well. Especially this kind.
Now, there are things that I like--being a heterosexual guy--that you wouldn't normally think a guy would like. Like Project Runway. Project Runway is a reality show on Bravo that follows budding fashion designers as they go through challenges and make clothes to win the show and become famous. Each designer gets to pick a model that they use for their creations throughout the show. Heidi Klum is the host, and she makes the call on who is in...or out.
Basically, there is really no logical reason why I should like this show. It's full of eccentric female designers, gay male designers, gay eccentric she-male desgners, and frighteningly thin models. I just can't turn away! I don't know why, but its interesting to me how these people come up with these designs. Having Heidi Klum as the host definitely doesn't hurt things, but I'm not a fashion designer, nor do I ever plan to be. I'm not into high fashion, as my closet can attest. It's just one of those things, I guess.
15 years ago
Congrats on loving the show Chris. I have only ever seen it once and I loved it too. Then again, my life's ambition for MANY MANY years was to be a fashion designer. Maybe gynastics will eventually turn your head one day as well:)
Well Chris, Here I thought you were "all guy" and I find out you like runway fashion. That's OK, I'm just kidding.
I love baseball, Houston Astro baseball to be specific. Watched the Rose bowl to cheer on the Longhorns and was pleasently surprised to learn all about Vince Young, what an athlete! Hockey is not a sport for Houston and golf is slow paced. Now gymnastics I will watch for the Olympics. It is one of my favorite summer Olympic sports.
Food is another area where you and I agree. That prime rib look awesome. I love to cook and there fore I love to eat. The diet I just started is a result of my love for food.
I enjoy reading about all the things that you and Evey do. The two of you have lots of fun together, keep it up.
Hope Evey is doing better.
Uh oh. I like sports, food, and beer. Does that make me a guy? Oh, wait, I don't like modeling shows. Guess I'm safe. :P
Chris, don't feel bad. My husband likes "The O.C." he watches it with me every week, and he still buys power tools every chance he gets.
Hope Evey is getting better! But I love your posts, keep them coming!
I hope Evey is feeling better! I tried to watch Project Runway, but just couldn't. I would have to agree with you on the sports, except for hockey. Love baseball and basketball the most. Food: In total agreement. I just don't get steak unless we are out for supper at a restaurant; I have a picky eater husband. Come to think of it, he eats more like the models on Runway. God love him.
Have a great day!
you forgot to mention that you also like to do links.
we're a sports family too, it rules my life, but that's ok.
just dropped by to say thanks to evey for visiting my blog earlier.
Hello to you and Evey. Thanks, Evey, for stopping by my blog via Alison's.
I like food too. WAY too much. I'm currently working to drop 25 pounds. Wish me luck!
I saw several episodes of Project Runway awhile back when they were showing them all back to back. The guy that won had some wild fashions. I liked the lady's stuff that came in second place better.
Heidi Klum Picture from
is nice
Ok yes. I like to do links too. It's like a little surprise within the post. "What's this picture gonna be?" I dunno! Click on the link and find out!
nothing wrong with a little sports, beer and project runway...
ps....feel better soon evey!!!!
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