I love my wife very much. One of the unique things about my wife is that she absolutely loves Edmonton Oilers hockey. I myself am quite a hockey fan, and its great that I can sit on the couch and watch the game without any glares, comments, or snide remarks--unless, of course, the Colorado Avalanche (my favorite team) is beating the Oilers. (Or unless I forget to take the garbage out...)
Luckily for me, this love for hockey spills over into other sports too. As you can attest by the new look to our blog, she has become a rabid Seattle Seahawks fan, although it took her a while to warm up to them--which is understandable--coming from Canada, they've only got the Canadian Football League, which, although it is a fun game to watch, is no match for the NFL. We are both SUPER pumped for the NFC Championship Game on Sunday against the Carolina Panthers. GO HAWKS!
Along with a different type of football, she was exposed to absolutely zero baseball growing up, so therefore she was NEVER into it. When we first met, she vowed to me that she would rather gouge both eyes out and pour saltwater into them rather than sit down in front of the TV and take in a 3-hour baseball game. And then, she met my mom. Now, my mom is not off-the-walls crazy for the Seattle Mariners, but her love for them is strong--strong enough to pull Evey in like the tractor beam in Star Wars--and make her learn the game and become a fan. My mom taught her the nuiances of the game--when to hit and run, the art of pitching, who the cutoff man is, etc. Now, my wife must watch the Mariners nightly--so much so that we usually buy the Dish Network's MLB Package to catch every M's game while we are here in Boston.
Other sports that she enjoys to watch--golf (you can chalk that one up to my man-crush on Phil Mickelson.) She called me at work on a Saturday a couple of years ago when I was still working weekends in Seattle to tell me, "I can't believe this, but I've been watching golf for three hours. What is wrong with me?" I just laughed and smiled inside, knowing that if Phil was ever in contention to win a tournament, I could plop my lazy butt on the couch and watch golf until the cows came home. She likes watching the major tournaments like the Masters and the US Open.
Now, the only sport I have to work on with her is soccer. She was very interested in the World Cup back in 2002 when the US team made the quarterfinals, but since then, she has regressed. Hopefully later this year when the 2006 World Cup starts, I'll get her loving Sam's Army again!
15 years ago
That's good news for you! My husband is teaching me the basics on Football these days so I won't be so apt to change the channel when a game comes on. Lucky for me though NBC is airing hockey every Saturday now so we don't have to pay for it. I've missed seeing my Flames play!
OK Evey...that's Shigatoshi Hasegawa...let's say it together!! No no...not Sasashimi Nosagumma... let's try again...OH NEVER MIND! He's not even on the team anymore!! Let's try this one: Kenji Johjima...no, not Kimmy Jujitsu...oh well, we have time ;-)Btw, good job on the blog site Chris!! :-) Mom
LOL! I, too, have warmed to baseball and (yes) football! I CAN'T do soccer, though! I can't even handle HEARING it on the TV in the other room! Something about it just gives me the heebies! (You know, like fingernials on a chalkboard!?) Something about the crowd noises and the bull horn and the GOOOOOAAAALLLLL! Blech! Can't do it! I'm pretty much screwed in this household, though. My boys would rather watch ANY sport...yes, even golf or tennis...than cartoons! Good thing I have my Alias DVD!
Cool for you?
Now, how about basketball?
baseball??!!!? i too would rather gouge my eyes out...
evey, you're a good woman. i can barely handle the football. luckily, we don't have cable so we only get CFL games...
Chris you are sweet, but the NFL is sissy football. You gotta get over that "4 downs" thing. Cantcha do it in 3?
hey...you must be happy this evening...seahawks into the superbowl?
My husband and I are both Houston AStros Baseball fans. Football is OK, but I'm not much of a fan of it. I can't wait for baseball season to start back up.
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