I know you thought we fell of the face of the earth but we didn't. I had planned on making a big ole post before New Years Eve about our Christmas and stuff. That plan however was derailed when I bit down a little too hard in the wrong spot in my mouth while eating my dinner Thursday evening. I aggravated a previous problem that I had yet to get taken care of. We waited two days and finally had to go in to see a dentist New Years Eve because the pain was so huge I wanted to put my head through a wall..lol. So right there and then I had the tooth extracted (a back molar) and ever since have been laying in my bed with a hot pack on my face looped up on Tylenol 3. The good news is that I feel MUCH better today and actually took my last T3 this morning and am onto just good old extra strength tylenol. I am also on penicillin as a nice infection had started as well...Which hasn't helped the pain factor. SO while our Christmas was wonderful (I will blog about it) our New Years Eve sucked. We had plans but of course had to cancel them and I am pretty much certain that at midnight I was near tears with a hotpack on my face cursing all the people on the TV having good time. I have not had a real meal since Friday, since then my diet has consisted of instant mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, pudding and oatmeal. lol. Tomorrow is my birthday and we were going to go out for dinner but I am not sure I will be ready to eat whole foods by then. So we shall see.
That is all for now, perhaps I can talk Chris into blogging a little about our Christmas, and if not you will just have to wait till I feel like sitting here long enough to tell you about it:)
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas season and heres to a very very happy 2006!!!
15 years ago
So glad you are feeling better Evey - just being able to blog is a good sign! Hopefully you will have a Happy Birthday nonetheless! Just have them run your dinner through a blender and then ask for a straw ;-) Just remember: "This, too, shall pass!"
Extraction sucks! I had all 4 done but they were impacted so it was AWFUL! I hope you feel better soon. I would wait on going out for dinner til you feel better...that way you can really enjoy it.
Oh dear.... I am so sorry to hear of your misery!! I hope you will be back with us in no time! Happy New years to you guys!
Holy stinking heck! I wondered what happened to you!!!! Ouch-poor muffin. I am so sorry for you, but you will get better, I know it.
Happy Birthday tomorrow. I LOVE YOU!!!!!
OH MY! I had two molars extracted and I was praying for God to take me then and there! WHAT PAIN!!! I think I may have to get something like that done again....Oh I can't wait (sarcasm)!
I just sent you an email wondering if you fell off the planet! Then, I decided to see if maybe you had blogged! Sorry to hear of your mouth mishap! Yucky! Try to have a happy b'day anyway! We love you and will be praying for you!
Evey, I am so sorry to hear about your tooth! . . . and on New Year's Eve!! Maybe you and Chris should have a birthday's eve party or something to make up for it! Happy Birthday by the way! If it makes you feel any better, I actually went to bed at 10:30 on New Year's Eve - being pregnant can sometimes take the fun out of things!! :)
I hope that things are better for you now! Take care!
Evey, Start drinking Pineapple juice. It will keep the swelling down and help with the discoloration too. Good luck.
Oh Evey, I'm so sorry! What a way to spend your birthday. But I'm feeling your pain and am right there with you...Brian has had problems with his wisdom teeth lately that have prompted us to move up his scheduled time to have them extracted. Something he is not thrilled about in the least.
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