Thursday, December 22, 2005
Saturday morning we got up a little later than we had planned...Go figure! It was a wonderful day though. We drove to the Staten Island Ferry Terminal which was only about 10 minutes or so from our hotel. We decided to take the ferry because it was free and it saved us the headache of driving into the city. We also found street parking so we didn't even have to pay for parking for the day.

The ferry ride is only about 30 minutes. But it is so cool to stand outside and watch as the city gets bigger and bigger as you get closer. And by far the ferry gives you the best view of the Statue of Liberty.
Most of our day was spent walking everywhere. We saw so many things in only 6 or so hours. One of the first things we did was go to the site where the The World Trade Center towers once stood tall over the city of New York. It was surreal standing there and looking at the massive empty space in the middle of the city. There is a fence that surrounds the whole area of Ground Zero. On one side of the fence there is a timeline of what happened that day. Actually standing where such a horrific tragedy happened was a little emotional. Chris and I just stood there in silence along with so many other people. There is a cross at the site which I assume is made from the remains of a beam from the building and as I stood there looking at it tears started forming. At first I was embarrassed thinking that people would think I was crazy...Only then did I realize I was not the only one.

On Sunday before we headed home we drove back into the city and spent some time at Central Park. It was so pretty with the snow and the trees and of course all the buildings that surround the park. We took Belle for a nice walk and went and saw the skating rink and stuff.

For those of you who haven't see our pics yet we have them posted on a seperate site. Feel free to go check them out.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Chris and Evey's Weekend Getaway Part 1

We got a little lost once we got into New Jersey because Chris decided he wanted to go a different way that he thought would be quicker. IT WASN'T!! lol. Eventually he got us on the right track and we found our hotel. After we checked in and unloaded the car we were undecided if we wanted to go out and do something or just relax at the hotel until we needed to head out to the hockey game. We opted to stay at the hotel. Chris walked over to the Wendy's near our hotel and got us some lunch and we just relaxed and watched TV for a few hours.

That was about it for that night. We grabbed a little bite to eat on the way back to the hotel and I pretty much fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.
On another note here's to hoping the Oilers continue to play well against the Canucks tonight. We are 2-0 against them this season, hopefully after tonight it will be 3-0. It will be tough and a lot of the outcome may lye in who plays in net for the Oil tonight.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Back from the BIG city

I will be back later to start telling you about our weekend:) Hope ya'll are having a great week.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
We finally hot a brand new hot water heater and system installed yesterday. What a mess all of that was, but thank goodness it's all been dealt with.
For those of you who don't know Chris and I are off to New York City this weekend. We are leaving early tomorrow morning, will probably check into our hotel and then spend some time in the city before we head back over to New Jersey to go see a hockey game. I am SO exited and am certain I will probably take A LOT of pictures.....thank God we finally got that digital camera. We plan and hope to see a lot of things this weekend....one thing that is a must for us is to go see Rupert at the Hello Deli and have him make us a sandwich. Oh....we were going to rent a car this weekend but our landlords were like "why are you going to rent a car when we have 3?" So they are letting us take one of their cars....how awesome is that!?! :)
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Sunday, December 04, 2005
I would like to introduce you all to......

Friday, December 02, 2005
The Drama Shall Soon Be Over.....
Happy weekend to everyone:)
Thursday, December 01, 2005
So Fresh and So Clean!!!

Seeing RED!!!!
Being that it is December 1st and Chris and I officially finished ALL of our Christmas shopping yesterday I am SO excited and proud of us. You have no idea what an accomplishment this is. I am such a procrastinator and I am the one who is normally running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get everything organized. Not this year....It's all done!! Well I suppose I shouldn't say ALL....Chris and I still need to finish our shopping for each other.....But we have plenty of time for that. But that doesn't count. The stuff we needed to be done was all the stuff for our families back in Seattle and Edmonton so that we can get it shipped out on a decent date. I did a bunch of wrapping last night, now we just need to wait for some things to come in the mail that we ordered online and we will be good to go.
Since I am sitting here blogging it is clear that we did not die of carbon monoxide poisoning....Which is a wonderful thing really. I would have been hacked otherwise. Things are still up in the air with the whole water heater thing, but at least the plumber and electrician were here last night and fixed the fan and we have another detector down here, this time though it's in the ceiling above the water heater so that it will be a little more effective next time. Hopefully there won't be a next time, but thank God for those detectors. But now we have another issue, for some reason now we have no hot water. Which does not make me a happy camper. I had not yet showered yesterday when all of this unfolded so I didn't get to have one. Last night when we got home from shopping I was super happy to know the problem was fixed and we could run the water heater safely and I could have a shower. Well wouldn't you know it...COLD WATER!!! So this morning Chris went in to have a look and noticed the valve for the hot water was turned way down so he turned it up as high as it can go and still NOTHING!!!! BOOOOOO!!! So we are waiting for Alex to get a hold of the plumber and electrician again to get this whole mess figured out. And they better hurry cause I want to freaking have a shower.
Oh and the coolest thing of all is that our landlords felt bad and were thankful that we stuck around yesterday to deal with everyone....The firemen, gas company (twice), plumber, electrician etc, that they are knocking 100 bucks off our rent for this month....SWEET!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
What a Morning!!!
They turned the hot water heater off and called the gas company. They came out pretty quick to check it out and told us what the problem was. Apparently there is a fan that works along with the hot water heater that ventilates and blows stuff out. Well for some reason the fan was not working (we have no idea for how long). There is supposed to be a safety switch of some sort that automatically shuts off the hot water heater if the fan doesn't work. Well whoever did this wiring wired it all wrong. So there is an electrician here right now working on it and once he is done they have to call the gas company back over here to check it all out to make sure it is all good and safe to turn back on.
On another note I have this dumb cold and I can't stop sneezing, my head kind of feels like a soggy watermelon that's about to explode! ha!
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Happy Tuesday
We have yet to decorate our place for Christmas, normally I would get it all done the first weekend of December. I still may....Although we have decided to wait to put up our Christmas tree till we get back from New York City.
Sunday the Seahawks won their 7th straight game to put them at 9-2 on the season and kept them on top of the NFC. We are so happy they are having such a great year. After the Seahawks game we watched the Edmonton Eskimos beat Montreal for the Grey Cup. It always confuses me when I watch CFL games now because it really is such a different game (rule wise) than the NFL. Later that night we happily watched the Colorado Avalanche beat the Canucks 6-2. Sunday was a very good sports day in the McClees house:)
That is all....I hope everyone is having a great week!!
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
Thursday, November 17, 2005

Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Is It Just Me?
Monday, November 14, 2005
Random Ramblings For a Monday
The Seahawks beat the Rams AGAIN yesterday and we are now 7-2 on the season. GO HAWKS!!!
Does Nicole Ritchie actually think she looks good? Does she not realize she looks anorexic or does she actually think that its attractive? What about Lindsey Lohan or Hillary Duff even? I see these girls and I just don't get it. I understand we all want to be slim and have nice bodies.....But someone needs to tell them they DON'T have nice bodies.....Its nasty.
Found out the other day I will get to see an old friend in December who I haven't seen in way too long. I am so excited.
That's all I got today, Chris and I are watching the Avalanche/Oilers game.....GO OIL!!!
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Chicken Little

Monday, November 07, 2005
Happy Monday
Thinking of way back then brought a story to mind of waaaaaaay back when I was in kindergarten. We had this teacher who had this really big hair. It was jet black and curly and short and fuzzy. She was just plain scary and the hair didn't help matters. Anyways, one day I was playing in the sandbox (the indoor sandbox) with another little girl and some little boy decided he wanted to come play too. THE NERVE.....Don't boys know they have cooties in kindergarten. Geez!! So I did the only thing there was to do....I threw a handful of sand at him. Well Mrs Crazy Hair witnessed this act and came over to reprimand me and I did the only thing I could....I picked up a handful of blocks and threw them at her, one hitting her square in the forehead. Boy was I in trouble. She sent me to the corner and called my parents and had them come pick me up. Now now I know what your all thinking, but I really was a good kid....She was just so CRAZY and scary that I could not help myself.
And before my big brother Dave tells you all what a little brat I was maybe I should tell the story of how him and my older brother told the school nutrionist they ate McDonald's 3 times a day..........LOL
Saturday, November 05, 2005

Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Happy Birthday to Chris
Today was my hubby's 28th birthday. We went for dinner tonight to a Japanese restaurant called Kiku Yama Teppanyaki Steak House . It was one of those where they cook the food on a grill right there at your table. It was so neat. The whole experience was a lot of fun.
First they bring you a hot towel to wipe your hands with. It was funny because when our waitress brought them to us we didn't know what they were for. But we are quick studys and we figured it out. To start they bring you a soup called Miso soup. It was a little interesting.....then comes garden salad with a weird dressing that I didn't really like so much. It actually looked liked minced pumpkin. lol. We also had Japanese eggrolls for an appetizer....they were pretty good. For the main course Chris and I both got a chicken and steak combo. So the cook guy comes out with his cart with all the stuff on it....meat, veggies, rice, bean sprouts and fires up the grill. He took an onion and stacked all the rings up on each other to make it look like a little volcano and then fills the middle with oil and then lights it on fire. It was cool. And off he goes cooking everything up while we watch. It was fun, totally adds to the whole dining experience and makes it totally worth your money. It was all SO SO SO good, easily the best meal out we have had since we moved to Boston a year ago. Oh and we don't know those girls in the picture, they were just sitting on the other side of our table. After dinner we of course headed to Starbucks because well where else do we ever go. lol.
Chris got lots of goodies from me for his birthday.....I got him THREE shirts from Old Navy, a maglite flashlight and StarWars Battlefront for PS2.
Here are a few other pictures from tonight....
Monday, October 31, 2005
The Great Pumpkin Adventure
Chris was on call this weekend and we were dog sitting for our landlords so we stuck around here, we usually do when Chris is on call. Belle always enjoys when we dog sit because it means more time than usual for her to be able to play with the girls.
Friday night Chris and I decided to carve our pumpkins. We tried to go to a pumpkin farm last weekend, but when we got there it was super lame. So Wednesday night we went to a local nursery and got our pumpkins. We didn't start carving them till pretty late, so by the time we carved them and cleaned up all our mess it was like 4 am.
Chris worked so hard on his pumpkin and he was so proud of it. He did a really good job, it took him at least 2 hours. He went online and got a Seahawks logo and printed it out and taped it to his pumpkin and then went about the tedious task of making all the little marks in the pumpkin so he knew where to make all the cuts and everything. I actually carved 2 pumpkins. One was just a normal Halloween pumpkin and then I did an Oilers logo, mine was much easier than his though. Not nearly as much work.
Saturday was a lazy relaxing day. We didn't really go anywhere...I did laundry and that was about it. We were going to take all 3 girls for a nice walk Saturday evening. But the weather had different plans. Around 4pm or so I looked out the window and noticed it was snowing. Since I LOVE the snow this made me very very very excited. Even though I knew it wasn't going to last through the night and that when I woke in the morning it would all be gone I was still so excited to see some beautiful snow.

Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween, don't eat too much candy.......And now I am off to catch up on all my blog reading that I have totally been slacking on.