The other night Chris and I were at the laundromat. When we got there we were the only ones there except one weird looking dude. He was wearing high top runners with his tight black jeans and the tongue of his runners were sticking out. He had looooooooong stringy blond hair that was half in a ponytail. He might have had a goatee of some sort...I really don't know I tried not to look at him too much. He looked like he could have been related to Axl Rose. Anyways....when we got there he was putting his clothes in the washer. Chris and I went about our business putting our laundry in. Mr creepy man left for a few minutes...I assume to go get some change from the little pizza shop on the corner. So he comes back in and walks to the back of the laundromat to get a laundry bag from the machine in the back. Now keep in mind these laundry bags are FIFTY cents. Chris and I watch as he puts his money in only for no bag to come out. WELL......let me tell you....that man not only needs a haircut and a shower he needs ANGER management. He proceeded to punch this machine like 5 times really hard as if it was a punching bag. He then got a good kick in t

here. So he storms out past Chris and I, I don't know where he went...I assume back to the pizza shop. He comes back with a garbage bag and then heads over to the washer his clothes were in and started to put his WET clothes in the garbage bag. I should point out that every piece of clothing he pulled out of that washer was black. All the while muttering and swearing under his breath. I mean this dude was MAD. He then stormed out pushing a laundry cart on the way out. Chris and I tried not to look at him, I was scared he was going to beat us up. lol. It was funny, and I guess he was so angry he lost his 50 cents that he decided not to dry his clothes. Someone needs to tell him its NOT 1985 anymore. Scary scary looking man!!
Sounds like just about everyone I saw at the Motley Cruse concert. Scary.
Oh these are the people in your neighborhood....
Ha ha there is nothing wrong with black clothes as long as they are in moderation and up to date.
Poor fellow.
Look at the ballsack on the pic of buddy here! Gross. Would you kindly put a blanket over that?
LMAO.....I know Lori...isn't it a wonderful sight for all to see! haha.
I live in a normal neighborhood...I really do. lol.
Those were the days, when men could show there "BALLSACK" and no one cared, MEMMORIES!!!
Big bro in edm...
lol...u guys are nasty
what a weirdo
Thank you Lori!!! I never noticed until you mentioned the 'ballsack'.... um.... gross!!
Hey did your blogging friend jusst call me a weirdo?
Big bro in edm..
lol....i think theres a good chance she was calling the creepy laundromat man a weirdo...so dont get ur knickers in a knot
I am weird, but not a weirdo, ya know what i mean!!!
big bro in edm.
I think ya'll need to stop saying ballsack. lol
I am such a fraidy cat I would have been real scared.
I was an Axl Rose fan back in the day...
Is it actually Ballsack singular or since there are two is is ballssack plural? Hmmm I guess ballssack just doesn't look right - did anyone look up ballsack in the dictionary for spelling. Oh wait you wanted us to stop saying ballsack- my bad.
Next week Evey- you learn the handshake :P
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