The weather has been pretty crappy since the weekend. It has been rainy and windy and just plain gloomy outside. I don't think we have seen the sun since Friday. I like the moderation, I just hate when it stays for days at a time. I find it depressing and it makes me SO sleepy. I can't wait till it snows, I love the snow!
Chris and I are planning a weekend to New York City at some point over the Christmas season. I am so excited. I used to always talk about how I wanted to go to New York during the holidays and see all the lights and store windows decorated. I am excited to see the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center and to go ice skating on the ice rink there. I am not sure yet if we will go just ourselves or maybe go with some friends. Either way it will be a fun time. What is everyone else planning for the holidays this year?
15 years ago
Got rid of that stupid SPAMMER?
Sounds like Christmas will be cool... You will me missed but there is always next year.
Big bro in edm...
I usually get one spam every new post I make. I catch it quick though so it doesnt bother me.
Awwww your gonna miss me at christmas...
maybe a little( well at least the presents, unless you send me something)
Put that spam blocker on, that letter thing, yas know. I did it and now i get no spam.
big bro in edm...
Yeah you might get something if your lucky;)
I refuse to put that word verification thing on....I will not jump on the bandwagon with everyone else:) Actually I just dont like it, I have such a hard time reading them half the time I just don't want it on mine:)
maybe you should open your eyes.LOL 8)
big bro in edm.
well it is true i am blind as a bat....why do u think chris wont let me drive at night time. lol
smart man, maybe he sdhould not let you drive ever...
lol....shut it
The weather has been crappy here too. It sucks.
My holiday plans? Home to Calgary for a visit and frantic wedding detail planning.
Funny you should mention Ny at Christmas....I just finished posting on it! Go figure! BTW you will have a BLAST
LOL.....girl u crack me up.
A little envy here, as well. I was going to mention Leslie's post, but she beat me to the punch.
BTW, how do you REALLY feel about the Oilers??? ;)
Ian are you trying to question my devotion to the Oilers?? lol. Or are you just mocking how much I speak of them:)
For the record......I REALLY LOVE THEM!! ;)
I am going to NY Dec 8th-11th for my hubbies B-day. We are going to see the "Odd Couple" which I can't wait! Maybe see you?
Cori we are talking about going that EXACT weekend. The 9th-11th
Oh you'll have a blast I am sure dear. I can not wait for them pictures. I am such a picture hog. lol real special plans. Family Christmas on the 17th of December. Jason is talking about going over to his families for Thanksgiving time frame. We have our big trip the first two weeks of January
Maybe you can hook up with Cori! That would be soooo neat!!!!!!
What are we doing for the holidays? stuff. Eating, partying you know.
Boring sorry we are not going to NYC.
Maybe in a few years.
Jeremy and I were talking a few nights ago about going to NY some year to celebrate New Years Eve. Perhaps the 4 of us could make a weekend out of it sometime in the future. This year, we are spending our first Christmas together with family.
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