Ok, so I wouldn't really call myself an addict. But the technological age we live in allows us the freedom of recording shows on our DVR's and Tivo's and watching them whenever we have time. Ok well maybe I
am an addict. But really, who are you all to judge. I know plenty of you are sucked into TV land just as much as I am and some of you are bordering on needing therapy. But I don't judge you, well not too your face anyways.
I always struggle with knowing what new shows to watch. A few reasons perplex me. One being the fact that you just never know what shows will make it. Sadly my heart has been broken oh so many times when a show I had grown to love was cancelled before it even had a chance. Then there is the shows that do make it and you waste your time watching only to realize it SUCKS!
So what am I watching new this TV season you ask?
90210: Yes I realize some of you will mock me for this. But you know what? I really don't care. The original 90210 was an important part of my life for a lot of years. I owe it to the new 90210 to watch it and give it the same chance as the original. Honestly as cheesy as it might be, I like it. Although I have to agree with
Kristen those girls need to eat and get some meat on those bones.
Fringe: AWESOME! I love love love this show. It is X-fileish in it's own way. I love the characters, the acting is good and the story lines thus far have been great. I knew I would love this show since it is from the brilliant mind of JJ. Abrams. His track record is pretty darn good...Alias (my fave show ever), Lost and now Fringe.
Returning favorites:
Grey's Anatomy: Chris and I actually just watched the season premiere tonight. I just really love this show. I love that it is a drama but that it is full of one liners that constantly have me laughing. Chris and I laughed so much throughout the episode tonight. I can't seem to look away from this show. What will become of Derrick and Meredith? Will Izzie and Alex end up together? What will happen with Cristina and HOTTIE new guy Kevin McKidd? I look forward to this show all week long and I am SO glad summer is over and it is back.
Lipstick Jungle: My guilty pleasure of the week. I never got into Desperate Housewives. I really don't know why. The premise of the show just never grabbed me enough to want to watch it. But Lipstick Jungle sucked me in from the first preview. You can be sure to find me on Wednesday nights curled up on the couch with a bottle of wine watching it while Chris is off at softball. Now if only I could convince Georgette (HINT HINT) to come over and watch it with me all would be good.
Other shows I have to record on my DVR:
Private Practice
The Office
The Office
How about you? What are you watching this TV season?