Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Shopping DONE!
Today we are heading over to Chris's aunt Aileen's for Christmas with that side of the family. We always have such a great time with them and are looking forward to seeing everyone. Don't worry I will be back later with stories and pictures.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Cookies Cookies Cookies
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Greetings from Seattle
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Leaving on a jet plane.......
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
You may (or may not) have noticed my blog (and our picture blog) has a lovely new look. Thank you so much to my dear friend Jodi over at Organized Chaos for being so nice as to help us out with the new look. You did a wonderful job and Chris and I are both very appreciative. I knew it was time for something different but I didn't really know what. So I went to Jodi and left it in her capable hands and was not disappointed:)
Chris and I are trying to get everything organized around here before we head off to Seattle next week. We will be gone for 18 days which will be nice. Boston gives me a big fat headache so it will be nice to get away. I will miss Belle though as she will be splitting her time between friends and the Petsmart Hotel. We were going to take her to Seattle with us, but at the end of the day I was FAR too stressed about putting her on a plane. I know I wouldn't want to be shoved under a plane and left having no clue where I was or what was going on. So I decided to spare her (and me) the trauma of it all.
That is all you get for now, but I promise I will be back later with more to ramble on about.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Earlier this month we went to Cleveland for a few days. It was Chris's 30th birthday and the Seahawks were in Cleveland playing the Brown so I thought it would be fun. We ran the idea past our good friends Shawn and Celeste and they too thought it was a good idea. So we bought plane tickets and booked rooms at the same hotel. We planned to fly in at the same time on the Friday night, them from Seattle and us from Boston.

They pretty much cover all the bases of rock in the museum dating back to the early 1920's/30's. They even have a display showing the evolution of radio and DJ's all over the world. I thought that was pretty cool as you could choose any year and city, state or country and listen to DJ's as far back as the beginning days of radio. Does anyone remember Rick Dee's and The Weekly Top 40? I remember every Saturday morning I would get up and turn my radio on and listen to the ENTIRE top 40. I think he still does it, I had no idea. There were so many displays of music from different eras filled with instruments, clothing etc. It was neat see the evaluation of even the simplest of things like clothes, concert posters and all that sort of thing. Probably the coolest display (at the least the one I enjoyed the most) was the Jimi Hendrix one. They had everything from different articles of his clothing, guitars, note paper with lyrics on them in his handwriting. My other favorite was Janis Joplin's Porsche they have on display. And no I did not take this picture, I found it online. It was obviously taken by someone when it was on display elsewhere.They had an section with all sorts of clothing of different artists from different concerts and videos. Probably the neatest part in that was the jacket that Michael Jackson wore in the Thriller video. There was also a display of letters etc and there was a rejection letter to U2 from some record company saying that they weren't what they were looking for at the time but good luck. Ha!! Can you imagine how dumb those people felt once U2 skyrocketed to stardom. We had a great afternoon and it was definitely worth the price of admission.
That night we decided to have dinner at The Cleveland Chophouse and Brewery. We all had amazing steaks and had the best waiter ever. His name was Vance and he was money. I suppose you had to be there but if your ever in Cleveland and you eat there you better be praying your waiter is Vance.Sunday was game day. We got to the stadium early so that as soon as the gates opened we could head down to the front rows next to the visitors tunnel to watch warm ups and get some autographs. We had so much fun, ended up with 2 autographs and got a lot of great pics of the guys coming and going.
We lost the game but we had a lot of fun. We lost in OT which was disappointing but it was my first Seahawks game and I had a great time. The Cleveland fans were a bunch of jerks, which kinda sucked but what can you do.
Monday was our last day in Cleveland and after we checked out of our hotel we headed to Canton, Ohio to go to the NFL Hall of Fame. Celeste didn't want to go so we dropped her off at the mall. I wasn't sure how much I would like the Hall of Fame but I actually really enjoyed it and saw some really cool stuff. Old uniforms, footballs, pictures, benches. Basically anything you can think of we saw it there. The gallery with all the inductees busts were pretty cool. Although they were a little on the creepy side.
So there you have it. That was our weekend in a nutshell. Our flight home was okay. It was really windy in Cleveland so the take off was a little on the scary side, the plane was all over the place all the way up. Needless to say I did not enjoy it at all, and yes I even cried. Other than that we had a great time and were happy to spend time with Shawn and Celeste.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Great Books and Great Friends
Carolynne, Me, Georgette
Friday, November 02, 2007

I hate to fly, it scares me half to death so wish me luck:)
Monday, October 29, 2007
The Pumpkin Artists
Sunday, October 28, 2007

So other than Chris preparing to give birth things are pretty much the same around here. Just working a lot and trying to find enough hours in the day to get things done. Next weekend we are going to Cleveland for the Seahawks/Browns game with our good friends Shawn and Celeste so we are really looking forward to that. The plane ride I could do without but the rest of the weekend will be a fun time.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Chris and I laugh everytime we see this commercial. Andrea can you not picture Gavin and his friends doing this...haha, we totally can!

Monday, October 08, 2007
We are taking a trip to Cleveland in a few weeks and are looking forward to that. We will be meeting our good friends Shawn and Celeste (from Seattle) there and will be going to the Seahawks/Browns game and we are super excited about that. It is Chris's b-day that weekend so the trip is really his present.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all my peeps up in Canada :) GOBBLE GOBBLE!!

Sunday, September 30, 2007
Drunk at the Landromat
They first walked in around 6:30 pm. I was over by the dryers and they walked to the washing machines on the other side of the room. She was talking really loud and at first I thought she was handicapped. I do not mean that in a mean way at all. It was just how she was talking and the way she was saying some of her words. It was until Chris and I were folding laundry and she walked by us that we could smell the alcohol on her like a bad perfume. It was like she bathed in a tub of beer before she left. It was gross.
We couldn't help but laugh to ourselves as she was trying to put quarters in the dryers. Every two seconds she was asking the guy she was with "IS THIS OURS?" he would reply with a "no" and she would follow it up with "ARE YOU SURE, BECAUSE IF YOUR WRONG...." Then she could not figure out how to put the quarters in. You know how there is a slot for the coins and then the slot at the bottom that is for return. Well she kept asking him OVER AND OVER "WHICH ONE DO THEY GO IN" he would tell her the top one. But at the next dryer she would ask him again which one. I mean lady how much did you drink???? Then a few minutes later when she was by herself putting quarters in she put like 5 in and pushed the button for the dryer ABOVE the one she was using and then tried to yell at the girl who worked there like it was the machines fault and not her own drunkenness that made the mistake. She said something along the lines of "I PUT QUARTERS IN THERE, I AM A WORKING PERSON. WELL I GUESS IT ISN'T YOUR FAULT IT IS THE PEOPLE WHO HIRE YOU!" Then she walked off, staggered off is actually a better description of what she was doing. I have capitalized everything she said because yes she was actually that loud.
It amazes me that people at that age still get THAT drunk. Do you have no control? Do you have no self respect? It is sad, very very sad. This wasn't a teenager who was out having fun with her friends and had a few too many. This was a grown woman who drank herself silly and was so drunk she could barely walk or talk and couldn't do simple tasks that a 1st grader could probably do. Makes you wonder what she is like every other day of the week. Very sad, and yet offered us entertainment at the normally boring and quiet laundromat.
At least she wasn't drunk enough to do this..

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Just a Few Things
Why do you have B.O. ? You do not look like someone who would be unaware of such a thing. And yet there you were beside me infesting my nostrils with the unmistakable smell of someone who has not used deodorant in quite some time. I don't really get it. Maybe you are one of those "all natural" types who thinks any product is bad for you, causes cancer, tested on animals. I really have no clue. All I know is that it isn't fair to the rest of us in the world who have to sit beside you on the train or the bus. Perhaps if you choose not to wear deodorant you could avoid places where you will be cramped next to other people. That way, we don't suffer and you don't have to use deodorant. Just a thought!

I am sure you are a very nice person. But what isn't nice is the fact you felt the need to STARE at me the entire time I got on until I got off the T. Perhaps my inexplicable beauty was just too much for you to handle but you could have been more subtle. I guess you didn't see my wedding ring, or you just didn't care. The times I happened to make eye contact with you your creepy weird guy smile was so not needed. I already thought you were creepy, but thanks for adding to it.
I love public transportation ;)
Saturday, September 15, 2007
New TV Day
Yes, we finally purchased a new TV and emerged from the rec-room 21" JVC cathode-ray tube era. It's a 37" Vizio LCD HDTV. We don't have the Dish Network HD receiver yet, so it's just a bigger ordinary TV for now. But once we get the new receiver......look out! It will be broadcasting glorious HD for all to see and revel in.