I promised that I would try and blog at least once week, so here ya go.....
Last weekend Chris and I drove out to Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania to meet up with his mom and her friend Sue. Linda was in Ohio visiting Sue and we thought it would be fun to meet them somewhere. We picked Wilkes-Barre cause it seemed to be close to being in the middle of Youngstown, Ohio and Boston. Which it pretty much turned out to be...a five hour drive for them and 4 1/2 for us. We spent the night there and spent most of Friday and then Saturday morning with them. We had a wonderful visit, it was nice to just spend some time relaxing together. On the way home Chris and I made a stop in Manchester, Connecticut to have some supper at Red Robin. YUM! We love Red Robin and they don't have them here in MA.
I was supposed to go to the dentist today to have one of my bad molars pulled, but the oral surgeon didn't make it into work today. Part of me was relieved cause I am so scared to go anyways, but then the other part was frustrated cause I just want it over with. Anyway, they rescheduled my appointment for April 4th. So now I have a whole week to get myself all worked up about it. I really am just a big ol' chicken.
Anyways things are still good out here for us, we love it here. The new church is wonderful, Chris is actually getting busy getting everything in order for the mens softball team he has gotten together at church. They will be playing in on of the city leagues. He is pretty excited about that.
That is all, nothing else exciting going on around here. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week. And hey, please feel free to post comments...it's always nice to hear from people.
Happy Easter!!!
15 years ago
Happy Easter! Miss you!
Happy Easter to you....I miss you too:(
Happy Easter Yvonne!
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