I found the driver I wanted, and I won the auction last night. The driver has a suggested retail price of $360, but I got mine for $32.99! It was shrinkwrapped and brand new, and they even included a headcover. (I also ended up winning an auction for new putter grips from the same eBay store, but that's boring.) The eBay store ships its stuff out of Raynham, which is about a half-hour south of us. Luckily I arranged to pickup the club and the grips at their physical address so I didn't have to pay $11 for shipping.
So after we picked up my club and grips this evening, we were coming home on the highway around 7 PM since my softball game was at 9. It was very ominous because the farther north we got, the sky kept getting darker, and darker. And wouldn't you know it...the heavens opened, and all of the sudden on Highway 93, it was End Times. In about 5 seconds (not kidding) we drove into a HUGE storm. Lightning, thunder, crazy wind, sideways rain--the works! I got off on the next exit and took a backroad because the rain was so hard I couldn't see anything on the highway. It was freaky. Suffice it to say that my softball game was cancelled--AGAIN. Go figure. God just needs to take it easy on Boston during Friday evenings from now on...

Great deal! I got my clubs from my step-mother because she just got a new set for mother's day. The ones I got were still quite new and I love them to pieces. Now you will feel like a pro on the course!
Sorry to hear about the rain. We got A LITTLE bit of wind yesterday and I was so happy. It has been way too hot here lately. I think I would even welcome the rain if it came.
I got my clubs from Chris for christmas. So they are still new, Chris however has had his clubs for a long long long time and he was itching for a new driver. When he found this deal we couln't pass it up. Plus you should have seen him with it when he got home last night, it was pretty cute.
ebay ROCKS!
Ebay is soooo cool! Have fun golfing!
GOOD JOB with the new driver! This is a nice hobby/sport to be into. My hubby just loves golf. I will have to get a set of clubs and get some lessons myself...if not soon then once we're old and retired! LOL! Great fun! And a super deal!
I'll trade you some of that rain for some of our hideous heat. Would you like some wind? We've got wind too.
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