I really don't have anything super exciting to talk about but I figure if I don't start writing on this blog with some consistency my readers who are still around will eventually leave for good. And since we don't want that I thought I would ramble this morning. About what I am not really sure but I am sure I will come up with something entertaining.

Oh, I know. In the winter when the sidewalks are covered in snow and all the LAME people in Boston don't shovel the sidewalks in front of their house's dog poop collects in the snow. I get that because sometimes when Belle poops in the snow and it sinks all the way to the bottom it is hard to find it. The sucky part of this is that when spring hits and all the snow melts there is POOP everywhere on the sidewalk. It is sort of really gross. Now, if all the LAME people from Boston would just shovel the sidewalks in front of their houses like normal people in other cities usually do this would not be a problem. But alas they do not so therefore there will always be poopy sidewalks in the spring.
The other day when I was at the gym on the treadmill there was a rather large (and by large I mean muscular) man on the treadmill two over for me. He started running and all was good, I had my ipod o

n and I was just happily and very briskly walking singing in my head wh

en all of a sudden I hear this LOUD breathing. It was almost like someone on a ventilator pumping to keep them alive. Well at least they are loud like that on TV. Anyways there he was running full speed ahead and breathing louder than a radiator in heat during a winter storm. I realize that made NO sense but I left it there anyways for comedic and dramatic effect. Just try to picture what that would sound like if it in any way made any sense whatsoever. He clearly didn't seem to care because he just kept on running and breathing like a wild elephant with a sinus cold. Or maybe he didn't even realize because he was in the zone. All I know is even with turning my ipod up all most all the way I could STILL hear him.
Looks like another gloomy day out in Boston today. As long as the rain stays away for my dog walks this afternoon I will be happy. Then it will be off to the gym and then home for supper and LOST! Hooray!
at least the man didn't stink. there were times when I was at the gym that I was gagging at the odor next to me. not fun.
That is SO gross!! (The poop!) There used to be a "big" guy at my gym that would grunt/scream while he was lifting weights! It was so loud and obnoxious that the owner finally had to ask him to leave because he was making too many people uncomfortable!
Planet fitness doesnt allow grunting. They have a "lunk" alarm so if someone does they sound it. haha! So no grunting at our gym.
That is so funny. Whenever I run on the treadmill I wonder if I am breathing heavily. I can't hear myself because I have my ipod on so I am praying that I do not sound like that man in your gym.
Yeah LOST! Can't wait till Chris gets home so we can watch it together. I've been running by people who breath like that and they seem oblivious to it.
And poop is gross.
I would never think about all the dog poo being under the snow but YUCK! That can not be good when it gets warm.
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