A week or so ago our fridge died. The sucky part of this is that our apartment did not come with a fridge so therefore we had to buy a new one. We toyed with the idea of a used one from Craigslist but then decided we didn't want to become the next victims of the Craigslist killer. That and we didn't want to spend 200 bucks on a fridge that for all we know could break in a month. I might as well just throw the money straight into a shredder. But then we were torn about buying a brand new one because we are wanting and hoping to move within the next 6-8 months. Ultimately we decided we could sell it for a little less than what we paid considering it will still be so new and have warranty on it or we can just take it with us. So we shopped around and decided Sears was offering the best deal and so we got a Kenmore for $445. We paid 75 on top of that for delivery and haul away of the old fridge but we get the 75 back so that is alright. Our old fridge was a smaller sized fridge and now we have this big one and we just don't know what to do with all the space. It is GREAT! We have been so busy though we still have not had a chance to get groceries and fill it up with tasty goodness. Hopefully we will do that this weekend. So far Kenny Kenmore is enjoying his time in our kitchen. And we are excited to have a big person fridge.
15 years ago
OOOO...I LOVE the red microwave! That is downright special!! And that fridge does look huge in your kitchen! Fill 'er up!
Doesn't it make you feel so grown up to be buying brand new appliances? Ha! How fun!
I want a red microwave, how fun! And I love buying appliances. It makes me feel domestic. :)
I love your weight loss tracker at the top of your page. I think I may need to get me one of those for myself.
Oh and I have a contest on my blog if you wish to check it out! :)
I think you have the same fridge we do. We are hoping to swap-out our appliances in the not too distant future for stainless steel, but for now everything is white. We bought our freezer in our garage off Craigslist about 3 years ago and it is still working. We paid $50 for it....not a bad investment if I do say so myself.
okay, so I have the EXACT same fridge...and I am SOOOOO jealous of your microwave!!! I want a red one JUST like that!a
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