So a few quick things, some I will talk more about later.
Back in May/June I had a little bit of a health scare. I found a lump in my left breast, went to the doctor, she also felt it and sent me to a breast surgeon. The surgeon sent me for a mammogram, the radiologist sent me for an ultrasound of my right breast after he saw something on the right side also. Had ultrasound and had my surgeon call me a few days later to tell me the lump on the left was a fibroedenoma which is a benign tumor but there was something "suspicious" on the right and she wanted me to have a biopsy. Suspicious is NOT the word you want to here in this situation. I went back to see my surgeon who showed me the films from the mammogram. It was scary. The lump on the left was just as she had described it. Round/ovalish and very smooth. Nothing to be scared about. The lump on the right however looked like a jagged starfish and was about the size of a pea. Off I went the following week for a biopsy. Not nearly the torturous experience I was convinced it was going to be. In fact I didn't feel a thing. After that I was sent home to just wait for the results. If I am being totally honest I was certain the only call I was going to receive was one to tell me I had cancer. Two days later I got a call from my surgeon that the biopsy was negative and there was NO sign of cancer. Praise the Lord. I felt like I could finally breathe again. Next up was scheduling my surgery to remove both lumps. More specifically the one on the left because of the size of it. 6 cm people. It is huge. I still have yet to have my surgery and am expecting to have it in October/November. I am scared out of my wits to have surgery. Mostly cause I am a big fraidy cat. The thought of anesthesia just creeps me right the heck out. But you gotta do what you gotta do I suppose. I will write more about this whole situation another day when I have more time.
In August Chris and I went to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for a week with Chris's sister Alicia and her husband Paul. I really love it down there. The condo we stay in is right on the ocean and falling asleep to the sound of the ocean is amazing. We had an awesome week and I can't wait to go back. For pics of our vacation you can click HERE and HERE!!
Last weekend, Sept 12th to be exact Chris and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. I feel blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life. We are far from perfect and sometimes we bicker till we want to wring each others necks but I love him very much and couldn't have asked for a better partner in this life. We had an amazing dinner at the Capital Grille downtown Boston on Newbury Street. We spent the night at the Colonnade Hotel (also downtown), had a wonderful breakfast in the morning. It was a wonderful time.

Welcome back, again! You look really good and I am so thankful all is well with you!
yay, you are back, and looking fabulous I might add
Welcome back friend. Long time no read!
So good to hear from you! I am so glad that your biopsy came back normal. The surgery may be scary but at least you know once they are out you do not have to worry about them any more.
Happy Anniversary! Here's to many more fun and fabulous years. :)
YAH EVEY!!!!!! I was beginning to think you were a big liar and your pants were on fire! :)
LMAO! Shelley you make me smile!
Wow Evey! I am so relieved and glad to hear that the lumps were not cancer. How scary though! I hope that the surgery goes well for you. Happy (late) anniversary too!!! You look beautiful in your pictures!! You guys are soo cute together. Five years is a long time. Congratulations!
You were tricking me!! Big tricker pants!
You guys look so cute in you pic at dinner! You look lovely in that dress too:) Where will you be living April 2010? Glad to hear no Cancer, have you had your surgery yet?
Hope your doing great.
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