So as we all can tell I SUCK at blogging, at least the last few months. I used to be SO good about keeping it updated and stuff. Perhaps its the summer, or perhaps I am just a big slacker.
Last weekend Chris and I had to go to the airport to get out plane tickets to Jamaica changed to a later date. We tried over the phone but none of them seemed to know what they are talking about. When we got there the US Airways people were not busy at the time so that was a relief as they had time to really help us out. We were having issues changing to the dates we wanted because the tickets were originally voucher tickets so only so many seats are open for those on certain flights. Finally when they didn't find anything until June of NEXT year we were like bummer. And the guy was like "when is they ideal dates you want to fly?" So I told him October 27 returning Nov 3rd. He upgraded our tickets on the spot FREE OF CHARGE. Now changing our tickets alone should have been 100 bucks per ticket never mind what the cost could have been for changing them to regular tickets. He did it for free, PRAISE THE LORD! Afterwards we went to the Runway Cafe to watch the planes take off and land. I know it sounds childish but I love to sit and watch them. Terrified to get on one but love to watch them. Go figure!
After we left the airport Chris and I took Belle for a walk to this new park with trails and stuff right on the water. It was so pretty. The park is right in line with the path the planes take to land at the airport so it was fun to be able to watch all the planes fly over us. Although Belle was much more interested in chasing bugs and searching through the grass. After we left the park we went to a small beach nearby and let Belle swim around in the water some. She loves the water and just wanted to swim. She is so funny looking when she swims, looks like such a beginner. SO CUTE!!
As usual I tried to post some pics through blogger and it wouldn't let me so I will just post them below. Enjoy!
15 years ago
I feel exactly the same way about the plane thing. Terrified of flying but I could sit and watch planes take off and land all day long. Hope you have a good time on your trip!
Don't feel silly about the plane thing. We did that just the other day. Taylor loved it. I love going to the airport. I wish I was lucky like you and going somewhere hot. Must be nice. Maybe someday. And keep up the posting slackymcslakerson.
Glad to hear everything worked out okay with your tickets. You will be soaking up the hot sun while we are taking care of baby and planning a trip to cold Newfoundland in December. It will be good though - we'll get to see my family and Dayna's new little one.
Jeremy's family wants to go to Mexico for Christmas 2008. It's a long ways away but we can't wait!!!
Sounds fun! That's great about your plane tickets!
Wow that's great service regarding your tickets!
And I love watching planes too. DH and I grew up in Richmond, BC which is where Vancouver International is. At the end of the runway there is a park where you can go and watch the planes land. We've taken the kids a few times too.
Wow! Great job with the tickets! What wonderful luck! And the pictures of Dunne's Falls are coming...scanner is being fixed this week!
Speaking of trips...any other trips planned for say ...August??? Let me know if you are still coming.
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