Chris and I were at the grocery store today picking up a few things. The store was pretty busy when we were there so it was a maze of pushing around peoples carts and the aisles. There was a cart kind of close to one of the end of the aisles, I figured I had enough room to fit through. I slowly started to maneuver my way around when I gently bumped the other cart. Just as I was about to say sorry this man turns around and looks at me and says...."The word is excuse me....WENCH!!!" Normally I would have said something in return but I was so shocked I couldn't say anything. I looked back at the guy and called out to Chris who was walking a little ahead of me (and didn't hear the man) and said "did you hear that?" I was so mad, I couldn't believe how rude and unnecessary it was. As we were checking out in the self checkout lane we saw him walking our way to go out the main doors. Chris stared the guy down and the guy stared at Chris but didn't say anything. As he walked by us Chris was like "yeah you keep walking!" My hubby, what a tough guy;)
Anyways just another example of how rude people are here. They don't care. I know rude people are everywhere but in Boston there is just more than the average place.
15 years ago
Well that waas unpleasant to say the least. People do seem to have much more of an attitude these days. Sad really!
I guess you'd better get out of Boston, then! Ha! ; )
Some peoples children. I don't know why some people want to live such a crabby, sad life. don't worrie Evey, I still love you.
Wow, you had restraint! I would have rammed his cart and screamed "Whose the wench now asshole?!!"
But that's me :)
Evey, I can't believe that! What an awesome man to stand up for you!!
That's so funny. We encountered many grumpy people this weekend too in Lincoln City. I don't know if they were just annoyed by all the beach traffic or what but when I went into Fred Meyer, this man was pushing his cart to the left of me and then at the last moment SMILED and decided to go around me on the right. He nearly knocked me down...a pregnant woman. Jeremy was ticked too. I said "WHAT'S WRONG WITH PEOPLE, I AM NEVER MOVING TO THIS TOWN" as loud as I could so the guy could hear me. Way to go Chris for sticking up for Eve.
The moral of the story: Jerky people don't just live in the big city, it can happen in small tourist towns as well.
I believe that for the last 50 years or so no one has taught their children manners at all. I'm only 37 but I encouter rude "old" people just as much as people my age and younger.
I have no patience for those kind of people. They bring out my store rage that I try to keep hidden. :)
Ugh! So rude. That kind of thing bugs me.
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