I cannot believe September is practically here, but am I ever glad. As much as enjoy many aspects of summer I love fall and winter. My first realization that fall was on its way was last night when Chris and I were at Starbucks and I saw that Pumpkin Spice lattes are back for the season. I love fall. I love the feeling in the air at night or early in the morning. The one where you know winter is not far off. I love watching as all the leaves change color. And really there is no better place for that than here, it is amazing.
Chris and I are going to Seattle next week. We leave on the 7th and don't come back till the evening of the 18th. Our friends Jen and Ryan are getting married on the 9th and we are so excited to be there for it. We are also excited to be able to spend a lot of time with family and friends.
What I am not excited about however is the part where I have to get on a plane. Those of you who know me well know that the very thought of stepping foot on a plane terrifies me. I usually am fine once the plane is in the air, it is really the whole process leading up to it. Should be interesting, we shall see. And if your feeling nice, say a little prayer for me on Sept 7th, or maybe for Chris that I don't drive him totally nuts. LOL
15 years ago
The fall season is my favorite too. I get so energetic in the fall. We don't get much color change down here in Houston, but the cooler air is all I need.
Hope you have a good trip to Seattle. Don't worry about the plane, it will be fine.
I love spring and summer but there is such a great feeling about fall and winter. It's a feel good time. It always reminds me of when my kids were born because they were born on nice fall days. And I love pumpkin spice lattes. Today is a good day for one.
Mmmmm...! Does this mean my fave, Gingerbread Lattes, are back!? Of course, we will pray for you! Can't wait to see you!
Don't forget to pack your toiletries in your checked baggage. I wouldn't want you to get stopped with shaving cream or water in your bag...haha.
Hope we can see you when you come here. As long as we are not in the hospital, we will I'm sure.
Have fun in Seattle! I wish I could come meet you since I'm not that far away, but we'll be right at the beginning of my son starting Kindergarten!
Remember.."His mercies extend to the skies, His kindness even unto the heavens" I always think of that verse when I fly. :)
So, I popped up in your dream? :0) I don't know about tea...I'd surely have a cup of coffee with you though! :)
I won't be at church Sunday the 10th..I'll be camping. But, I'll be there the 17th...will you?
have fun on your trip! I just noticed how fast fall approached today, actually! (Lo, sarcastically, told me that he'd been noticing for a while now). Thanks for your comment - I should do that more often b/c I always read posts yet hardly ever say anything.It lets you know you're loved!
I know how you feel about the plane thing, I am the same way, actually so is my husband, we are horrible flyers! Glad to hear you are back around blogging again, missed you!
All I can tell you is that flying is safer than driving... So don't you worry.
Bring an empty water bottle and bribe the flight attendants to fill it for you...
And sit back and relax!
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