I thought it was about time I got you all caught up on what's going on around here before the new year hits:) I realize that I was not very good about blogging this past week, but in my defense I have been sick and am just starting to get back to normal.
Chris and I had a wonderful Christmas. On Christmas Eve we went over to our friends Becca and Travis with about 5 other couples. I made "Christmas meatballs" (Chris moms recipe) and they were so good. There was all sorts of food like cookies, sandwiches, mini smokies and chips and dip. It was a nice relaxing day with a lot of food, football and of course games. It was nice to spend the day with friends just relaxing. We headed home around 8pm and enjoyed a quiet evening together watching "A Christmas Story" marathon on TBS.
I am such a big kid at Christmas. I woke up Christmas morning and couldn't wait to open my stocking. I finally convinced Chris that we needed to get up and once the coffee was brewing in the pot he was ready to go. We took turns opening our gifts, it was so much fun and we got all sorts of goodies. We got some wonderful gifts from both our families. Thank you to all of you we really appreciate everything. Chris and I decided this year that instead of setting a gift limit we would make a money limit. We both ended up getting each other 8 gifts. For our money limit we set that was some good shopping. I ended up getting Chris the Indiana Jones Trilogy, a Seahawks "skull"cap, a Colorado Avalanche sweatshirt, a new NFL sized football, a practice putting matt, Dave Matthews CD, Lego Star Wars 2 video game for PC and a book about his favorite golfer Phil Mickelson. It was fun for me this year to pick all his gifts because he never really had a lot of things he needed this year so I had to get creative. The football was actually the last thing I bought because I had 15 dollars left over and I was walking around Target thinking what can I get for this. I saw the footballs and since he didn't have one and anything sports related is always a hit with him I decided to get it. Too my surprise it is one of his fav gifts, I don't think he has put it down all week. Chris got me some awesome gifts this year. He got me an ipod shuffle which I have mentioned to him everyday for the last few months. hehe. He also got me a new crockpot which I am very excited about, perfume, lavender body lotion, scrapbooking stuff, a huge book about U2 (my fav band) that follows them through their careers from way back when they were in high school in Ireland, a body pillow and super soft comfy socks. Of course Belle got new toys and lots of treats as well, we didn't forget about her.
After we opened our gitfs I started to get breakfast ready, we had bacon, eggs and pancakes. It was yummy and a great way to start our day. We decided to go see a movie in the afternoon and ended up going to see A Night at the Museum with Ben Stiller. We were both pleasantly surprised by this movie and really really enjoyed it, I am glad we went. After the movie we headed home and got our little 11 pound turkey in the oven. We had potatoes, veggies, stuffing and of course cranberry sauce with our turkey. It was so good.
While Chris and I do miss our families at the holidays we love the fact the we can spend days like that together and making our own traditions.
Chris and I have both been trying to fight off this cold all week. I lost my voice Christmas eve and it didn't return till Wednesday. My throat is still pretty raw and we are both still coughing, mostly first thing in the morning. Hopefully a few more days and this darn bug will be gone for good.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to my big brother Dave and his wife Susan, we love you guys!
I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year. See you in 2007!!
15 years ago
we have colds here too. Poor kids are just pathetic. It sounds like you had a great Christmas. I must be nice to have so many couple friends that you can celebrate Christmas with. fun!
Happy New Year!
Oh crap youjust reminded me that tonight is the Oilers - Flames battle!
Don't ask, what made me be reminded of it, since your only mention of hackey was the Jersery you got Chris. But I gotta ask Colorado??? *grin* J/K this is coming from a die hard Oilers fan and no others.
Happy New Years Girl!
Happy New Year dudes! It's new year's here in 6 minutes!
Happy New Year! I received your Christmas Card a few days ago. The picture is beautiful. Thanks for keeping in touch. I look forward to reading many more blogs in 2007. Hope it is a great year for you and Chris.
Happy New Year.
Just curious to know what "A Christmas Story" marathon consists of. Did they just play the same movie all day long back to back to back to back to back to...???
Yep they play the movie "A Christmas Story" for 24 hours straight. And if you have not seen that movie you should.
Glad christmas was great for you both. Jeremy and I went to the same movie and we both really liked it too. Happy New Years!
Happy New Year! Glad you posted and are getting back to normal...
Missed you while you were away hope to catch you one here soon.
Glad you are on the mend and that you had a wonderful time together.
Cheers for 2007~
Sounds like you had a really nice, relaxing Christmas...good for you!! We got your card, abi fell in love with Belle.
All the best to you in 2007!
Looks like a great Christmas all around. Ours was pretty good too! We were expecting all year long to be in NL but we ended up here and still it was a great Christmas. We got to see Jeremy's sister, Tiffany, 5 months pregnant so that was fun. Jeremy is going to be the baby boy's godfather! We are looking at trying to make it to Indiana for the Christening (baptism) in June. We'll see!
Anyway, I hope you have a great New Year and you get better soon.
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