Ok so we still do not have a Christmas tree. Yesterday was supposed to be the day but Chris is on call this weekend and sure enough he got an emergency call yesterday that took up 3 hours of our day. Since the place we are going to get our tree is a few hours away it didn't really leave us with much time. Instead we went for a drive, tried to get a good picture for our Christmas cards (we did not succeed), eventually went out and had a wonderful dinner at Olive Garden.

Today of course we will be going out to watch the Seahawks game. So hopefully tomorrow we will be able to get off work a little early and go get our tree. If not I think I will just give in and go to the lot we have gotten our tree from the last 2 years. I just really have my heart set on picking and cutting our own this year.
"Treeless in Boston", eh? And...what are you talking about!? That top picture is so good! Use that one! (Now that we've all seen it! Ha!)
We did the Christmas Card picture on Saturday, but indoors. Hopefully they turned out okay. I guess we'll see tomorrow.
Lookin good!
Good luck with the great tree hunt!
I'm heading to the Island for a few days to visit Aaron's parents. In the meantime, I had to let you know that I have a post that will be published later on today. In it, I've tagged you to do the same post. I just wanted to let you know before I left. Have fun with it!
Go read my latest post. we're on tree number 2. I really did enjoy cutting down our tree. And I think both of those pictures look good.
You guys got some great pictures!
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