Real diagnosis? Grade II ankle sprain.
" An incomplete tear of a ligament, with moderate functional impairment."
So here's how the story goes: My wife was finished up walking her dogs for the day, and she took the bus home. At her bus stop, the door opened, and as she stepped out she stepped on a small patch of ice and rolled her left ankle pretty badly. She hobbled home, barely able to put any weight on it. She called me and I came home, and once I saw the golf ball sticking out of her ankle, we decided to go to the hospital to get it checked out. Luckily I still had my crutches from when I tore my meniscus...
So after we made it to Faulkner Hospital, we only had to wait about 30 minutes before we got into see the triage nurse. After that it was a quick trip to the Radiology lab to get x-rays, then we got taken back to a bed where the doctor reviewed the films and let us know that it was not broken (whew!) But it is severly sprained, so she can't put any weight on it, and the treatment is good old rest and ice. We got an aircast from the hospital to stabilize it once she can walk. She'll be out 1-2 weeks, but not on the IR.
Before you ask, she already contacted all of the owners of her dogs, and they'll be ok with her missing at least the rest of this week. So hopefully after this weekend, she'll get back to normal.
15 years ago
We all (boys included) are praying for you, Evey. Glad it's not broken! I guess you'll have to take a break from the Tae Bo, eh? ; )
Oh I am soooo sorry to hear that!!! Let Evey know that we will be thinking of her and hoping that she heals up quickly! Hey, maybe this means more blogging time!? :)
Sorry to hear your off your feet little sis... Take it easy so you can get going again real soon. At least there is one good thing out of all this, Chris has 2 new golf balls,LOL...
You are in our prayers like always.
Eww. Thank goodness it's not broken. When I got your IM yesterday I was taken back to Winter Weekend when you broke your arm. You need to be careful.
Heavens Yvonne you live dangerously!
Man your bus adventures never end. Glad to hear it's not broken. Hope you're feeling better soon. Look on the upside, you can now blog more and join the rest of us blogahlics. :)
And if those dang bus steps weren't so high off the ground maybe this would have never happened!
So Chris I expect your taking good care of our dear Evey?
Take it easy friend!
Owwwie Evey! I hope you are up and running again soon.
OH no! Bad ice, very bad ice!
Stay off your foot there girly!
Oh yes Becca, I am taking good care of her. While she lays on the bed icing the ankle, I play video games. Solid!
Hope you are feeling better soon Wifey! Thanks Lori, bring up Winter Weekend, sorry for making you go down that hill Evey, it's all my fault!
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