In the midst of all that went down on Monday I didn't get a chance to blog about our weekend. I don't really remember all that I was going to blog but I will give you the basics.
Friday night we went to see the U2 Laser Light show at The Museum of Science with our friends Georgette and Tyrone. U2 is my favorite band so I knew I would enjoy it. It was pretty cool, it was in the planetarium and was about an hour long. And for only 6.50 per person I thought it was a great bargain. Afterwards we headed over to the Cheesecake Factory for some dessert. I haven't had cheesecake like that in a long long time and it was SO good. I had the Godiva Chocolate cheesecake. Since I am counting my calories these days I only had half and saved the rest to pick at the next day. We had a great night.
Saturday we didn't do much but watch hockey and a movie. We watched the movie Click and we both quite enjoyed it. Sunday was another lazy day and of course the SuperBowl. THANK GOD the Chicago Bears didn't win.
Fast forward to Monday and well we all know what happened that day. It's so crazy, It happened so fast and I was SO embarrassed. The bus driver kept asking me if I wanted medical attention and I just wanted her to drive away so I could attempt to hobble my way home. We normally live a 2 or 3 minute walk from the bus stop but this time it took me at least 10 mins if not longer. I am sure I looked like a crazy person hobbling down the street talking to myself and cursing under my breath.
I never knew so much pain could come from a sprain. Then again I had no idea spraining meant tearing ligaments. I am going a little stir crazy sitting in bed or on the couch all day long since I am so used to being out and active all day long. Oh well, perhaps I should just enjoy the down time.
My ankle is looking even more colorful today than yesterday. I will be sure to have Chris take a picture when he gets home from work and post it. For right now though, it is back to the couch and ice for me.
15 years ago
Is it wrong that I am laughing. Sorry. That is mean, I am not trying to be mean.
But really you would laugh too if you could picture yourself flying off the bus like that.
Thanks for that.
Oh yes...get better soon. ;)
Oh Evey, I am so sorry!! My little Myles sprained his ankle last night. I am such a bad mom . . . I didn't even know until this morning. I just thought that he was being a pill! Man, I cannot believe the difference in the pictures from just a couple of days! It almost looks worse! I hope that you heal up soon.
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