No picture for you guys yet today, I will be sure to have Chris take a pic when he gets home from work. I do however think it is starting to look somewhat better.
Now I know some of you are thinking 'WOW are you are you sure it is only sprained?' A few things I learned when I was at the hospital on Monday. A severe ankle sprain can sometimes be more severe and more painful than an actual break. The doctor was sure to tell me that a severe sprain can cause significant bruising of the whole foot. So rest easy my friends.....Sprained it is.
15 years ago
tell me about it - last April I sprained my April I think as bad as you. I couldn't walk or put pressure on it for a week and so after 3 days I finally went to get an x-ray done (which they had to cut my anklet off that I've had since Australia :() only to find out, yup just sprained - badly. I thought for sure it was broken too! I remember that 3 hours after it happened I was still screaming & groaning in pain so when people called Lo had to tell them he wasn't torturing me! Do the alphabet w/ your feet when you're able- it'll strenghten it up.
That is NASTY!! Poor girl!
I ahve tried numerous times to post comments on your blog in the past few days and it will not work. ARGH! This one better post. I've been so annoyed that I forgot what i was gonna post anyways.
lol. Sorry M! I have all sorts of troubles with the comment sections as well.
Very pretty Miss Evey!!! I hope you are being spoiled rotton!!!
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