Chris gets a free pound of coffee a week through work. Which is fun because each week we get a different kind. Sometimes we send them out to other people, but I am learning more and more that drinking a pound of coffee a week between two people is really not that difficult. Anyway, we are just finishing off a pound of Gold Coast! YUMMY! Which is Aileen's favorite and now I know why. I guess you could say Chris and I are a little addicted to our coffee, but I mean how can you not be. Between the free pound a week and the 30% discounts in the stores it really isn't our fault. And don't forget Chris gets free drinks all day long at work...a Gingerbread Latte here, a Peppermint Mocha there....and he wonders why he is always up so late at night! lol. All this talk about coffee makes me think I should change the name of my blog to something coffee related. hmmmmm!?!? Any ideas?
15 years ago
Coffee Addictions Talk!!!
We are here to meet your needs, even when you are buzzing like a bee or climbing the walls, we at Coffee Addiction Talk are here for you. I once was addicted but now i am free, i still have a tendency to shake so much i seizure, but that is okay.
We have also develloped the new Coffee Patch, just 1 a day puts about 10 litters of caffine into your system,wow, i am stillcoming off mine...
You can be free but why??? Coffee the life blood of all peoples...
Personally I would rather have free postage.
How about free high-speed Internet? Travis's work pays for ours! And I get free computer help just being married to him. Although free coffee would be fun too...but I barely get sleep at night as it is.
Miranda, you take the cake on this one! Free internet?! WoW! I have always said that you have to work at a place that gives you free stuff! Well, that is a good place to work. Hey Yvonne, Why don't you get a job at Starbuck's? I am sure you've heard that before. Let's not discuss it on here though, because you never know who reads these thnigs.
Okay yvonne, I am going out for a little while, and when I come back I am hoping to see a new post on here! See I do read your blog.
Kinda hard to post when my computer doesnt work:P And miss Lori I never said nor thought you didnt read my blog:P
There is life out there! Ahah! I knew you were there, now please post something before I go batty.
I cannot post, computer no workie. And it is too frustrating to write a whole post only to have it freeze. Ok ok...I will see what I can do, maybe tonight I will post something if I am able.
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