Hello all, I haven't got around to posting in quite a bit lately, mostly because there is not much going on in my half of the "Adventures." We did get to watch Napoleon Dynamite last weekend after much waiting due to Netflix being mega-slow (and apparently buying 4 copies of the movie for all of Eastern Massachusetts.) I thought it was quite funny most of the time..."I'll do whatever I feel like doing...GOSH!" But it also dragged in a couple of spots, which all movies do anyways. The dancing scene is classic, as is the extra wedding scene at the end. Kip is great, but I think I rolled the most when Napoleon tried Uncle Rico's "time machine" that he bought off the internet. Money.
Anyways, I am just working a lot, today I had 4 different service calls all about the city. Usually a "busy" day is 2 or so. I think I am drinking to much espresso. I tend to get a drink after every service call I do (either a caramel macchiato, peppermint mocha, or gingerbread latte) and of course they are all free, so why not, right? But later on in the day I get all hyper, but then I crash when I get home. I just want to lay on the futon and watch TV. (I think that even BEFORE the job with Starbucks, I would prefer to lay down and watch TV...) But I think I need to curb my espresso habit to 1 or 2 drinks per day, and only in the morning/noon time.
No hockey sucks. I can only take so much NBA (of which I am sick of and have not watched since about week 3 of the season), and golf is only on during the weekends. Which leaves nothing. No sports events to look forward to, not until baseball starts and I can stay up until 10 PM just to watch the Mariners for a couple of innings before I fall asleep. Lovely. The Hawks have retained their Big Three, which I never thought they'd be able to do, but hey, I guess a franchise that hasn't won a playoff game since 1893 (No that is NOT a typo) has to start somewhere. Phil has been playing well to start the year, winning the last 2 tourneys, which has been great to watch. Hopefully he can ride that wave into the Masters and defend his title. Other than baseball, the Masters is something I am really looking forward to. Anyways, I suppose I should wrap this up. Besides, my fingers hurt.
15 years ago
Napolean Rules.
Wow,it is good to hear you are alive and well.Welli new that but you know...
Anyways, i agree with the coffee,i would not be able to work all day in Starbucks and not drink, drink,drink. What a great thing kickbacks at work are, well i have none but it is nice to fantisize.
You must really fly high most of the day, keep the "peddle to the metal".
As with sports i am really not big on them,sorry, that is 1 thing we do not have in common.
Anyways take care, good to have you in the family man...
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