Everyone should be happy (especially Lori) that not only am I posting today, but I also posted a ton of pictures for your viewing enjoyment:)
So we weren't sure what we were going to do today to celebrate Valentine's Day, we are going on vacation soon and so we are saving every penny we have. Anyway Chris just called me a little while ago to tell me that one of the big theatres downtown Boston is playing Shakespeare In Love for free tonight. How fun, so it is dinner for us and then off to the movie. I am not sure where we are going to go for dinner though, I will have to think about that one still.
We didn't get to church this Sunday since I have been sick since last Tuesday. First it was the full on flu (YUCK), and then turned into some sort of nasty upper respiratory infection or something. Although about 5 people have told me I totally sounded like I had laryngitis. Who knows....what I do know is that I am feeling A LOT better today.
We also were dog sitting for our landlords this past week. They live upstairs so we didn't really have to go far. But it was fun, and so good for Belle to have all the social time. They did have their moments though, my dog does not take well to other dogs getting near her food or toys. Aside from that stuff though I think all 3 of them had a great time playing.
I don't want to tempt fate here and write some long post only to have it freeze. Hopefully it won't be so long this time in between posts.
15 years ago
Honestly, i hate valentines day!!!
Being alone sucks! Especially when your love is near but there is no love. I am going to crawl into a hole and die...
Now now, let's not get like that. Buck up little camper....
Whatever, i am a lost cause with love, or at least thats what i get...
Today is not a good day.
I just want it to end, now...
Love really does bite!!!
I understand, but that attitude won't get you anywhere. Take it as it comes, pray pray pray...things will work out the way they are supposed to. They always do in life!
Yeah, great, i am meant to be alone... Whooohooooooo!!!!!
It is an up and down battle, everyday is different and some days it is the complete opposite of what we want. Just don't forget there are lots of people praying everyday for you. Love you big stinky brother;)
Ouch Dave, you are sore. Sorry you feel that way, and I can kinda see why. Up and down, up and down up and down. You just want to be in one spot and stay there. Praying for you buddy. I know that doesn't really help the hurt right now though. It is okay to pout, I do it all the time. Love ya!
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