I made the YUMMIEST asparagus beef stirfry last night, it was grub! Just thought you should all know that.
So Chris tore his Medial meniscus and is having arhtroscopic knee surgery on Sept 1st. I am not really sure it qualifies as "surgery" considering it takes all of 10 minutes and he gets to watch the whole thing.
Have I mentioned lately I am going to the Caribbean in only 9 1/2 months??? YAAAAAAAY!
One other thing, I REALLY want to see this March of the Penguins movie. Although I am sure Chris already knew due to the fact I get excited everytime I see the previews for it he laughed at me. He claimed he only laughed cause he thinks its "cute" that I get like that when I see it. Anyways he says there are a ton of other movies he would rather see. Well then POOP on him, I will go by myself. LOL. Cause I love animals and I love Penguins and I am going to go see it darnit.
So there ya have it, random rambling for a Friday. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Oh and I had to post this pic cause it totally made me laugh, Andrea sent it to me after she saw it on ebay...What will people think of next. Its a freaking water bowl in the shape of a toilet. LOL

I love that water thingy! So cool. I want one for the kids to play in.
People have too much time on their hands. What people will do for money! Sheesh.
I am heading up to Washington today and will be passing through Seattle. FINALLY I get to see where you used to live! WEIRD!!!!
Happy Weekending!
Have fun....you guys going to be on Whidbey all weekend?? I swear you could really have planned the whole Jeremy thing better and met him TWO years ago when I lived there. lol. It would make hanging out for us so much easier. lol.
Anyways have a fun weekend, its pretty out there.
Oh my godness...lol That picture made me laugh too. It truly amazes me the things on ebay as well. I never use the thing...
I kind of want to see the March of the Penguins...but I don't want to spend theater money to see it. lol
I'll be going to Lousiana in about 5 months now. lol Not that that compares to your Caribbean vacation in any form.
That pic is too funny!!!
Now that is a water bowl.
Tell Chris, Good Luck with his surgery. Even if it's only 10 minutes it can still be scarry.
Go see the movie about the penguins. My daughter went and saw it and she loved it. Take one or two of your girlfriends and have a blast.
hello, nothing to say???
Big Bro in Edm...
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