Last week I read an article that stated the coffee chain Dunkin Donuts wanted to topple Starbucks. When I read this I laughed and laughed. For those of you who do not know of Dunkin Donuts you aren't missing out. For those of you in Canada Dunkin Donuts is like a poor mans Tim Hortons. It doesn't even come close to measuring up. Before I moved out east the only Dunkin Donuts I had ever been in was a crappy dingy run down one in Seattle. It was the kind of place that makes you want to shower after you leave. Then I moved here and they were on every corner, much like Timmy Ho's is in Canada or Starbucks anywhere. While the DD's out here are much nicer than the lone one in Seattle I still don't think they are any good. The have average coffee and average donuts. They aren't anything special. One thing that was stated in the article was the difference between the vision of each company. Dunkin Donuts promotes drinking coffee as fuel whereas Starbucks promotes it as a way of life. In that case, if DD's wants to topple Starbucks they had better start with a complete remodel of ALL of their stores to appeal to the crowd who goes to Starbucks for the atmosphere and don't care about the price. Anyways that is my rant for the day. Dunkin Donuts started out here in New England so they are everywhere and its annoying. So when I saw that article I couldn't help but laugh.
GOOD LUCK DUNKIN DONUTS....Your going to need it.
My cold seems to be lingering...I hate that.
Nothing exciting to report around here. We had a pretty uneventful weekend as always. Just did some shopping and watched some hockey and football.
15 years ago
I am so addicted to Starbucks. I could see myself leaving it to go to Dunkin' Donuts. Even if the prices at Starbucks aren't cheap. I still love it. I'm loving the eggnog latte still. Yum! Hope you start to feel better soon.
I'm sorry I have to disagree. Maybe because I grew up with Dunkin' Donuts I am partial to it but I think it is way better. Starbucks can taste burnt to me sometimes. Give me a regular coffee from D & D any day. I am so soad they are not here in Vegas. Actually, after my last trip home my husband and I talked about trying to open up a franchise here since we miss it so much! Don't get me wrong, I do drink Starbucks, I just would rather have Dunkin'.
All I can say is...GO HAWKS!!! Oh, and I hope you're feeling better very soon, Evey! I've had a cold lingering as well...maybe I have allergies or something! Huh - what a concept! :-)
I agree with you on the straight up coffee thing. But I would guess that the large majority of Starbucks customers drink specialty drinks. And that is something that no matter how hard DD's tries it will never measure up too.
Dunkin Donuts? Gag!!!! I will gladly take Starbucks anyday.
What most people don't know is that Starbucks PURPOSELY roasts their beans longer to draw out the maximum amount of flavor. Most Dunkin Donuts coffee drinkers think that it tastes "burnt", but that's only because the coffee they are drinking is under-roasted and bland (no offense). Plus, I gotsta stick up for my company!
I love Starbucks, I love White Chocolate Mochas. But I am not a coffee drinker. For me to deal with coffee it has to be loaded down with sugar and cream (like D&D) or mixed with chocolate (like Starbucks). But I like Dunkin' for their Vanilla Chai which I can not seem to find anywhere else and their breakfast sandwiches and coffee coolattas. None of which Starbucks have. So I guess I like them both for other reasons. But if I had to pick between a white chocolate mocha or a Vanilla Chai I would take the Chai because it is easier on my tummy.
Chris, you have nothing to apologize for. You stick up for them because they are good!! :)
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