I thought I was going to get away with not posting the last few days, but Kirsten called me out on it;)
The toilet is still sitting on the street against the lightpole.
The garbage men didn't take our 6 bags of leaves, I am not impressed.
Yesterday was Chris's 29th birthday. I got him a CD (Best of Thin Lizzy), movie (Nacho Libre) and a brand new golf bag that I got for half off. Nice. 50 bucks instead of 100. I even made a cake....I know I know, I rock. We had supper at Applebees and tonight we are going to The Stockyard with some friends.
With that I must run, have a great day!
15 years ago
Thanks Yvonne! I'm was just holding you to your sort of promise. I like it when you post.
And Happy Birthday Chris.
Happy birthday to Chris....
glad you posted even if it was out of obligation...
I'm glad someone called yououton it....cuz I was about to! Happy Birthday, Chris! (And, yes, Evey, you rock!)
Happy Birthday Chris! ( oh to be 29 again! ...no wait.. I was pregnant! )
Happy Birthday to fellow Scorpio Chris! And I turned 29 too!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS...you old fogey!
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