It hit me like a ton of bricks today how fast Christmas is approaching. Insane if you ask me, wasn't it just Christmas yesterday? The fact that Christmas is fast approaching means Chris and I need to get out butts in gear and finish all of our shopping since all of our gifts have to be shipped to Edmonton and Seattle. I love the holiday season. Last year we were in New York City in December and it was awesome. Such a great place to be that time of year. We are considering heading back this December for a few days.
Last night as I was watching a rerun of Dawsons Creek....Yes folks I said Dawsons Creek, it happens to be one of my favorite shows ever and I was devastated when it ended. Anyways back to my point, as I was watching I was suddenly hit with the fact that Katie (sorry Tom, I mean Kate) Holmes is really going to marry that wack job Tom Cruise. It made me sad. They are set to get married this Saturday. Am I the only one hoping that Katie falls and hits her head on the way down the aisle and when she comes to she realizes Tom for the wack job he is and takes off running as fast as she can. Should we all start taking bets on how long this blessed union will last?
On The View this morning Elisabeth Hasselbeck swore by this product......Sassynips
And no she not only used them when she was pregnant, she uses them often and swears by them. Boy these sure would have come in handy back in the day at camp in the freezing cold staff dining room, don't ya think Lori? What was it we called it? Oh yeah, the cold nipple room!!LOL
As I was doing my Tae-Bo this morning I started laughing and could not stop until there were tears rolling down my face and my tummy hurt. Why you ask? Well I would tell but you probably wouldn't it find near as funny as I did. Unless of course your names are Lori, Jenn or Ange. Do you girls remember that day at Lori's place when we tried to do that Tae Bo video? Funny, funny memory!
15 years ago
Good job posting! I met your challenge head on today! ; )
I too am praying for Katie to see the light. Once the aliens get a hold of her there is no turning back.
are sassynipps for men too...mmm, interesting.
big bro...
Things are going well for me. Things going well for you? I will email you within the next couple days.
Just so you know, they sell those nipple covers at Shoppers Drug Mart too. They come in all sorts of shapes. Pretty genious if you ask me.
I hope Kate doesn't even make it down the aisle. Poor thing. Blinded by him.
Yes I remember the Tae Bo. You are actually coordinated enough to do it now? I still feel like a knob because Billy Blanks is so perky and fake. That was a good laugh.
Sorry for not posting on here before I have been limiting myself.
Tae Bo? Yeah not so much for me!?!
Every chick should invest in those. I didn't know you could buy such a thing.
I think that a baby complicated Katies thinking here. We dont really know Tom but he sure has acted like a nut job lately. I wish her luck either way.
Right now I am doing Yoga for dummies. It is a super easy yora video, but when you are over weight and 56 years old, you need simple. I do know a lady that was doing Tae Bo at the age of 76. She loved doing it because it helped her arthritis.
TF and I spent a long weekend in New York City three years ago and it was fun.
Just stopping in to say HI... so HI!
Katy and Tom just gross me out... bla.
good for you for kicking some butt... to lose the butt!
Andrea / not BAV anymore
Aren't all our nips sassy at one point or another! LOL! Christmas is coming tooooooo think that's the same girl from Dawson's Creek marrying that old wacked fart. Things aren't making much sense these days.
The only thing I understood was K-Fed becoming Fed-Ex! On that day, the world seemed right.
Free Katie!!!!
And I did Tae-bo for years! I swear by it!!
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