I have been meaning to buy Sarah McLachlan's Christmas CD for some time now and just never got around to it. Then today I got a surprise in the mail from my friend Becca who had burned me a copy and sent it to me. I was so excited. THANK YOU Becca, your awesome!! I have been listening to it all day and I love it.
The season premiere of Scrubs is on tonight. Chris and I are both VERY excited, it's one of our fav shows.
I think we are going to go and get our Christmas tree this weekend, we were going to go last weekend with some friends to a tree farm in Vermont but we were so busy with all our Christmas shopping and wanting to get that done we didn't get to go. So hopefully this weekend.....
15 years ago
Yea! You found something to post about! That's awesome! What a great friend!
I want Sarah's Christmas CD too. I saw her on Oprah a few days ago and noticed she had a new album out and said to myself "Self, you must go buy it!"
We are doing some decorating this weekend too...inside and out. Thankfully we bought an artificial tree last year so we don't need to go find one to cut....although that would be fun too. Anything to make our lives easier....(I say)!
Chris and I would love to go cut down our own tree but don't know where to go. So instead we buy our real tree from home depot. They have really nice trees. Plus the kids are too little to go cut a tree down. Maybe in a couple of years.
Sarah = cool chick. I didn't know she had a Christmas cd but if I can get myself to stop listening to My Chemical Romance for 5 minutes, I will go buy it!
I love Sarah McLachlan, now I am definitely going to have to get it!! I am bummed b/c we missed the season premier of Scrubs!! I LOVE Zach Braff!!
Man, I have missed reading about you and Chris. I hope that all is going well.
I was also wondering if you know what happened to Andrea . . . Bumbling Bav? Didn't you visit her blog? Well, it is gone!! I am so out of the loop!
I am happy that you are still here though!
Thanks Evey! I am so glad that you are still here. I would feel utterly betrayed if I lost you!!! :)
I didn't know Sarah did a Christmas CD...I must have it!!
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