Dear Mr Bus Driver:
When you see someone running to your bus stop and once reaching the bus stop they are waving to flag you down what do you think that means? I think it means that person wants to get on your bus. I would also think it means that you are SUPPOSED to stop to let that person on your bus instead of barreling down the street at 50 miles per hour. Mr. Bus Driver I am really starting not to like you.
Dear 30 something male on the bus:
I know that it is cold outside but the spiderman touque is a little much for one your age....I'm just saying.
And finally....
Dear Lady sitting beside me on the subway:
Your perfume smells nice. However, I think actually soaking yourself and your clothing in it before you leave your house in the morning is a little much. Next time try just a few spritzes, I bet you will smell great and the person sitting next you will not have to choke.
15 years ago
Hahaha! I totally know how you feel about the whole perfume thing, how annoying. If it's cause people don't have enough time to shower then they should get up earlier or at least ditch the perfume. I am sure their body odor may be more tolerable.
I hated riding the c-train and the bus! It's the worst! You feel like sardines and sometimes the people around you start talking to themselves, thus making you feel uncomfortable. Fun times.
ha ha ha!! Evey, this could seriously be in a newspaper column or letter to the editor! :)
LOL! Having a bad bus and subway day, are we?
Oh my god.... you made us laugh out loud! You are a funny girl! I like you!
Dear funny girl who wrote this post: I think you are funny and you should continue to make me laugh with funny posts like this one.
PS: I don't like choking on perfume either.
Oh the perfume! I hate it when I am shopping and someone with Wayyyyyyy too much perfume walks by. P.U.
Lovvvveee it Darling! Continue to keep us laughing! And continue to keep us updated on the MR. BUS DRIVER.
I hate people that wear too much perfume, it is like walking throught the perfume section at Sears, i always choke and gasp for air...
But what would be better, really bad B.O.?
Perhaps today's bus driver read your previous post and thought his bus was just too full....
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