Why do bus drivers feel the need to jam the bus so full that you are like human sardines? You don't even need to hold on to anything if you are standing up because you are so jammed in there, there is no way you can fall over. Then the bus driver gets mad and yells at people to "move back" so he can let the next person on the bus and they have to be behind the yellow line. WHERE THE HECK ARE WE SUPPOSED TO MOVE TO?????? Then to top it all off he opens the door for about 3 seconds at your stop before he is off and going again. Meanwhile you have missed your stop because you aren't able to wade through all the people quick enough to get out the door in time.
STUPID BUS DRIVER....get another job sir.
15 years ago
I am soooo glad there are no buses where I live. None at all. :)
So how was your day Eve? Ha. I know oh too well of what you write about. It has happened to me and I've seen it happen to many others as well. How mad would you be if the bus stopped and told you there wasn't room for you to get on?
I understand how you feel evey. However I think that the question you should be asking is not why the BUS DRIVERS fill the bus so full (it is the customers, after all who get on the bus & people would be more ticked if the driver told you "sorry,you have to wait 20 more minuts until the next bus comes") but why isn't the CITY circulating more buses??
I wonder if enough people complained to the city they'd do something about it? How on earth do they expect us to take environmentally friendly actions when they aren't doing what they can to provide them easily? Heck, if I was the city I'd be so excited that so many people are taking the bus that I'd do what i could to keep them on it - and sardines on a bus is not a way to keep my business!
That sucks! I have to say, reading that, the picture that came to my mind was the "Raise your hand if you're SURE!" commercial! Do you remember it? Ha ha!
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